Can a dry cough be a sign of something more serious?

Can a dry cough be a sign of something more serious?

Nothing is worse than starting into a coughing binge and being unable to stop. This is common with croup or other viral infections that bring about this hacking. However, if this keeps happening time and again, then it may indicate a serious underlying problem.

What happens when you have a chronic cough?

A chronic cough is more than just an annoyance. A chronic cough can interrupt your sleep and leave you feeling exhausted. Severe cases of chronic cough can cause vomiting, lightheadedness and even rib fractures. While it can sometimes be difficult to pinpoint the problem that’s triggering a chronic cough,…

When do you know something is wrong with your cough?

Anytime you’re short of breath or struggling to breathe, it’s always a sign that something is going on. You could have a common cold, an allergy condition, or heart and lung problems. If the trouble comes and goes along with the cough, then it’s an ongoing issue that indicates an underlying problem.

Can a chronic cough lead to a Gerd infection?

The constant irritation can lead to chronic coughing. The coughing, in turn, worsens GERD — a vicious cycle. Infections. A cough can linger long after other symptoms of pneumonia, flu, a cold or other infection of the upper respiratory tract have gone away.

Nothing is worse than starting into a coughing binge and being unable to stop. This is common with croup or other viral infections that bring about this hacking. However, if this keeps happening time and again, then it may indicate a serious underlying problem.

Can a dry cough be a sign of lung cancer?

A chronic, dry cough can sometimes be a symptom of lung cancer. However, other causes of dry cough are far more common. Symptoms of lung cancer can include: coughing up blood or phlegm that contains blood

What are the symptoms of a chronic cough?

A chronic cough can occur with other signs and symptoms, which may include: A runny or stuffy nose A feeling of liquid running down the back of your throat (postnasal drip) Frequent throat clearing and sore throat

Anytime you’re short of breath or struggling to breathe, it’s always a sign that something is going on. You could have a common cold, an allergy condition, or heart and lung problems. If the trouble comes and goes along with the cough, then it’s an ongoing issue that indicates an underlying problem.