Are there birth control pills for women in perimenopause?

Are there birth control pills for women in perimenopause?

If you need contraception and don’t smoke, you can take low-dose birth control pills until menopause (see “Irregular periods and heavy bleeding”). Another advantage of these pills is that they regulate your menses and suppress the erratic hormonal ups and downs of perimenopause; some women report feeling more even-tempered while taking them.

Are there any very low dose birth control pills?

Very-low-dose birth control pills (brand names: Estrin 1/20, Alesse) are also called oral contraceptives. They have less estrogen than regular birth control pills.

When do you stop taking birth control pills for menopause?

Taking oral contraceptives while perimenopausal can decrease these risks. Once menopause happens, women can stop taking birth control pills. Some women will find relief from the hot flashes commonly associated with perimenopause after taking low-dose birth control pills.

How does birth control mask the symptoms of menopause?

How birth control masks menopause symptoms. In addition to preventing pregnancy, birth control pills help regulate your body’s hormone levels. As you approach menopause, your body’s natural estrogen levels will start to decrease — but the pill’s synthetic hormones prevent your body from recognizing this decline.

If you need contraception and don’t smoke, you can take low-dose birth control pills until menopause (see “Irregular periods and heavy bleeding”). Another advantage of these pills is that they regulate your menses and suppress the erratic hormonal ups and downs of perimenopause; some women report feeling more even-tempered while taking them.

Very-low-dose birth control pills (brand names: Estrin 1/20, Alesse) are also called oral contraceptives. They have less estrogen than regular birth control pills.

Taking oral contraceptives while perimenopausal can decrease these risks. Once menopause happens, women can stop taking birth control pills. Some women will find relief from the hot flashes commonly associated with perimenopause after taking low-dose birth control pills.

How much estrogen is in birth control pills?

They have less estrogen than regular birth control pills. These pills have 20 micrograms of estrogen, compared with 30 to 50 micrograms in regular birth control pills. Even regular birth control pills today contain much less estrogen than they used to in the 1970s, when pills had about 100 micrograms of estrogen.