What is the function of the latissimus dorsi muscle?

What is the function of the latissimus dorsi muscle?

Latissimus dorsi works collaboratively with the teres major and pectoralis major to perform actions of the upper extremity. Together, these muscles will work to adduct, medially rotate and extend the arm at the glenohumeral joint.

What does latissimus muscle mean?

The word latissimus dorsi (plural: latissimi dorsi) comes from Latin and means “broadest [muscle] of the back”, from “latissimus” (Latin: broadest)’ and “dorsum” (Latin: back). The pair of muscles are commonly known as “lats”, especially among bodybuilders. The latissimus dorsi is the largest muscle in the upper body.

Where is the latissimus muscle lats located?

The latissimus dorsi muscle is found superficially in the lower two-thirds of the trunk, covering the serratus posterior muscles. The teres major muscle lies superior to latissimus dorsi. The adjoining fibers of these two muscles are united, but separated by a bursa towards their humeral attachments.

What is a latissimus?

: a broad flat superficial muscle chiefly of the middle and lower back that extends, adducts, and rotates the arm medially and draws the shoulder downward and backward.

How do you stretch your latissimus dorsi muscle?

1. Active floor stretch

  1. From a kneeling position, sink your hips back and place your right forearm along the floor.
  2. Lean your weight onto your right arm and stretch out your left arm, reaching out through your fingertips.
  3. Hold this position for a few seconds.
  4. Return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat 10 times.

How do you treat latissimus dorsi muscle pain?

Treatment of Latissimus Dorsi Pain

  1. Rest by avoiding activities like exercising, which may cause more discomfort, pain, and swelling.
  2. Ice the injured area by using an ice pack wrapped in a thin towel for 15 to 20 minutes. Do this every 2 to 3 hours during the first few days after the injury.

How long does a pulled lat muscle take to heal?

Recovery time varies depending on the strain, with Grade 1 strains typically requiring 2-3 weeks and Grade 2 strains usually taking at least a month. Grade 3 strains often require surgery, however, and can come with considerably longer recovery periods.

What kind of muscle is the latissimus dorsi?

What is the latissimus dorsi? The latissimus dorsi is one of the largest muscles in your back. It’s sometimes referred to as your lats and is known for its large, flat “V” shape. It spans the width of your back and helps control the movement of your shoulders. When your latissimus dorsi is injured, you might feel pain in your low back.

How to tell if you have latissimus dorsi pain?

Latissimus dorsi pain can be hard to differentiate from other types of back or shoulder pain. You’ll usually feel it in your shoulder, back, or upper or lower arm. The pain will worsen when you reach forward or extend your arms.

Why is the dorsi muscle called the swimmer’s muscle?

Because of its many actions associated with movements of swimming, it’s known as the swimmer’s muscle. What does the latissimus dorsi muscle mean? The name of the latissimus dorsi muscle describes its size and location. Latissimus comes from the Latin word “latus” meaning wide, and dorsi comes from the Latin word “dorsum” meaning back.

Which is the broadest muscle in the back?

Latissimus dorsi muscle. The word latissimus dorsi (plural: latissimi dorsi) comes from Latin and means “broadest [muscle] of the back”, from “latissimus” ( Latin: broadest )’ and “dorsum” ( Latin: back ). The pair of muscles are commonly known as “lats”, especially among bodybuilders. The latissimus dorsi is the largest muscle in the upper body.