What is thyroglobulin ICMA?

What is thyroglobulin ICMA?

Thyroglobulin is a protein made by cells in the thyroid. The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located near the throat. A thyroglobulin test is mostly used as a tumor marker test to help guide thyroid cancer treatment.

What should the TgAb reading be for thyroglobulin?

Generally, Thyroglobulin antibodies often referred to as “TgAb” on test results, should read 20 IU/mL or less on the test results to provide a “normal” reading. Anything higher than this means there are too many of these antibodies in the patient’s body.

When do I get my results for the thyroglobulin test?

The prices are variable depending on the location i.e. the city or the state the diagnostic center was located in. When will I get my results for the thyroglobulin test? You will get your results for the thyroglobulin test within 24 hours to 36 hours after the test is conducted.

Is the thyroglobulin blood test a 100% guarantee?

The thyroglobulin blood test is fairly specific and sensitive, but it isn’t a 100% guarantee. Because there are different reference points used by individual laboratories in thyroid testing, it is usually best to have this blood test and any others that are thyroid-related to be done in the same place.

What is the purpose of the thyroglobulin test?

What is Thyroglobulin test? The thyroglobulin test is used to assess the levels of thyroglobulin present in the blood. The higher levels of thyroglobulin might have adverse health effects. Hence, the Thyroglobulin test helps in measuring and monitoring the concentration of thyroglobulin.

When is thyroglobulin is undetectable is any further testing?

Long term follow up of patients with thyroid cancer, however, still requires periodic measurement of thyroglobulin, since other studies indicate that ~4% of patients with initially undetectable basal thyroglobulin levels eventually had recurrent cancer.

The prices are variable depending on the location i.e. the city or the state the diagnostic center was located in. When will I get my results for the thyroglobulin test? You will get your results for the thyroglobulin test within 24 hours to 36 hours after the test is conducted.

What should the normal range of thyroglobulin antibody be?

The lab test should give you a measure of what is abnormal and that is usually around 4 to 15 (depending on your lab) IU/ml. Healthy levels should be LOWER than this level and your results will often read something like: Result: < 4.0 IU/ml.

The thyroglobulin blood test is fairly specific and sensitive, but it isn’t a 100% guarantee. Because there are different reference points used by individual laboratories in thyroid testing, it is usually best to have this blood test and any others that are thyroid-related to be done in the same place.