Can you have kids after Smart lipo?

Can you have kids after Smart lipo?

During your appointment at Marisa Lawrence Plastic Surgery, we can give you helpful information and resources about getting pregnant after lipo. As long as you lose the weight you gain during pregnancy, you should be able to return to your post-SmartLipo outcome.

Will having kids ruin lipo?

The short answer is no. Pregnancy does not permanently alter the results of liposuction.

Is it better to have lipo before or after kids?

The advantage to undergoing laser liposuction before getting pregnant is that you can get the best results with the procedure when your skin quality is at its best, which is pre-pregnancy. A pregnancy puts a woman’s body through many changes and skin elasticity will never be the same afterward.

Is it safe to have liposuction twice?

Can I Have Liposuction More Than Once? A second liposuction procedure is possible if you develop additional fatty deposits. However, because liposuction is not a weight-loss procedure, it is suggested that you get as close as you can to your final desired weight before undergoing a second liposuction treatment.

Can you get fat after Smart Lipo?

Kaweski know that isn’t always possible. If you do gain weight after your Smart Lipo procedure, don’t fret. As long as you gain less than 10lbs, you probably won’t notice any big difference in your body, especially not the area that was contoured with the Smart Lipo laser.

Does Smart Lipo affect fertility?

Pregnancy After Liposuction First and foremost, liposuction does not affect a woman’s ability to become pregnant. Liposuction targets small deposits of fat on the body and poses no risk to a woman’s reproductive organs or other organs for that matter.

Can you get pregnant after 360 Lipo?

Generally, patients can feel assured that pregnancy will not alter their body contouring results achieved with liposuction in a permanent manner. If a woman undergoes a post-liposuction pregnancy and gains weight but loses the weight after the delivery, her original liposuction results will return.

Does having a baby ruin your bbl?

The results of a Brazilian butt lift won’t be undone if you get pregnant after the surgery. The results of a tummy tuck on the other hand, can be undone by pregnancy.

Can you get fat after lipo?

Unfortunately, it is possible for fat to return after liposuction… if you allow it to come back. In general, the more weight gained by a patient after liposuction, the less dramatic their results will be.

How much weight did you lose with SmartLipo?

We track weights at three, six, and 12 weeks after the procedure, and almost always see a minor decrease in weight. This is almost always less than 10 pounds, and more frequently in the four- to six-pound range.

What should I look for in a liposuction candidate?

An ideal liposuction candidate will also have good skin elasticity and muscle tone. 2  In fact, if a patient has already lost a significant amount of weight and has a lot of loose hanging skin, liposuction may only worsen those problems. Liposuction can’t take off that extra 50 pounds you’ve put on over the last 10 years.

When to consider a liposuction for weight loss?

Liposuction is of the most benefit to patients who are at or near their ideal weight (within 30 percent) but still have disproportionate localized deposits of fat that exercise and dieting are not reducing.

Who is Maria LoTempio and what is liposuction?

Maria M. LoTempio, MD, is double board-certified in plastic and reconstructive surgery and otolaryngology. She is an associate clinical professor at New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai. Liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure in which fat is suctioned from specific areas of the body.

What are the risks and complications of liposuction?

Risks and Complications. As with any surgical procedure, there are risks and possible complications. For liposuction, these include: excessive bleeding or hematoma. necrosis (tissue death) fat clots—when fat goes into the bloodstream and lodges in blood vessels.