Why would I have pains all up my legs and hips?

Why would I have pains all up my legs and hips?

Pain occurring on the outside of the hip and upper thigh or outer buttock may be strained muscles, ligaments, or tendons in the hip area. Shooting pains that radiate into your legs can be a sign of lower back strain or a hernia.

Why does my hip hurt more than my back?

Another obvious sign that your hip is the source of your pain is pain around or over the hip joint. However, hip problems can also refer pain to your low back, contributing to the confusion over where the true source of the pain is located. Hip-related pain is most often caused by osteoarthritis in the hip.

How can I tell if I have a hip problem?

One of the biggest signs that your pain is caused by a problem in your hip is the presence of groin pain. Your hip joint is located behind the groin, that’s why groin pain usually means the hip is the root cause of pain. In some cases, this groin pain will radiate downward toward your knee.

Do you have pain in your hip and leg?

Basically I have a lot of pain in my right hip and it shoots down my entire leg. Most painful being in my hip and above my ankle. It feels like something it tightening my muscles and very difficult to find a comfortable position at all. I walk like I soiled myself, hunched over with a cane, even walking it very painful.

What to do for radiating back and hip pain?

Symptoms include lower back pain when lying down, radiating back pain, hip pain, tingling in the lower extremities, nausea, fever and vomiting. Treatment includes antibiotics, analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and often drainage and surgery.

Why does my hip hurt all the time?

This is a very common cause of a daily, dull pain in the hip. With osteoarthritis , your joints become stiff and swollen due to inflammation and breakdown of cartilage, causing pain and deformity. Recent studies show that osteoarthritis results when the hip bones are not formed perfectly, making them not fit together neatly.

What causes radiating pain in lower back and hip?

A Pinched Nerve A pinched nerve in the hip or back can cause radiating lower back and hip pain. If you wonder what does nerve pain feel like – it often involves severe pain and numbness that may be referred from other areas of the body. For example, a pinched nerve in the upper back can cause numbness in the fingers.

How to tell if you have hip and lower back pain?

In addition to hip and lower back pain, you may also experience: 1 groin pain on the affected side. 2 stiffness. 3 pain while walking or moving. 4 trouble sleeping.

What are the symptoms of inflammatory arthritis of the hip?

There are other symptoms, as well: A dull, aching pain in the groin, outer thigh, knee, or buttocks Pain that is worse in the morning or after sitting or resting for a while, but lessens with activity Increased pain and stiffness with vigorous activity