Why are my ankles going numb?

Why are my ankles going numb?

Foot and ankle pain that occurs with numbness and weakness in your foot may be caused by a pinched nerve in your ankle (tarsal tunnel syndrome) or back (sciatica). Burning, numbness, or lack of feeling in your feet may be caused by poor circulation, especially in people who have diabetes or peripheral arterial disease.

Why do my feet and ankles tingle?

Tingling may be caused by pressure on the nerves when you’ve been in one position for too long. The feeling should go away when you move. However, tingling in the feet may be persistent. If the “pins and needles” feeling continues for a long period of time or is accompanied by pain, see your doctor.

Can a swollen ankle be a good sign?

Ankle Pain But No Swelling Any injury to the ankles, or sometimes ever overuse can cause ankle pain. No swelling accompanying this ankle pain is considered to be a relatively good sign, as it may heal without any medical treatment.

What causes numbness on the inside of the ankle?

Tarsal tunnel syndrome occurs when a nerve that runs down the back of the leg and along the inside of the ankle and into the foot is compressed, squeezed, or damaged. The tarsal tunnel is a narrow space on the inside of the ankle.

How to know if you have numbness in your lower legs?

If you’re experiencing lower leg numbness, it is also likely to experience: 1 Pain: This may shoot up or down the leg with certain movements or positions. 2 Burning 3 Pins and needles sensation 4 Increased or decreased sensitivity to touch 5 Difficulty walking 6 Weakness in the legs, ankles or feet

Can a blood clot cause swelling in one ankle?

If this happens, you will have swelling affecting only one ankle. The truth is, many factors can trigger leg, ankle and foot swelling. If you smoke, there is a possibility you already have a serious illness. Smoking is a major risk factor for the formation of blood clot in your veins.

How to tell if your ankle is swollen or not?

Ankle Pain But No Swelling 1 Ankle Pain in the Absence of Swelling. Though ankle pain is often associated with swelling of the surrounding tissues, there have been instances in which an ankle injury does not 2 Causes. 3 Ankle Sprain With No Swelling. 4 Swollen Ankle But No Pain.

Why do I have no pain in my ankle?

Short bouts of swollen ankle no pain are often reported by pregnant women. Generally, you don’t need to concern, but if it becomes consistent or excessive keep an eye on it – it could signal pre-eclampsia, causing high blood pressure and protein in the urine.

What are the symptoms of a sprained ankle?

Ankle sprain means your ligaments that provide stability to the ankle is inflamed. In severe cases, the ligament is torn causing joint instability. Symptoms of a sprained ankle are swelling, pain, inability to walk, and stiffness.

What causes swelling in the feet and ankles?

Too much dietary salt, not enough exercise, and hot & humid weather conditions can all result in a temporary case of swollen, discolored feet and ankles. Other causes include heart, liver, or kidney disease.