Why do my hands and feet itch when cold?

Why do my hands and feet itch when cold?

Chilblains (CHILL-blayns) are the painful inflammation of small blood vessels in your skin that occur in response to repeated exposure to cold but not freezing air. Also known as pernio, chilblains can cause itching, red patches, swelling and blistering on your hands and feet.

What disease causes cold hands and feet?

Raynaud’s syndrome, also known as Raynaud’s phenomenon or Raynaud’s disease, is a condition that makes your fingers or sometimes other parts of your body feel cold or numb. It results from the narrowing of arteries in your hands or feet, which stops the blood from having normal circulation.

How do you stop chilblains itching?

Suggestions for treating chilblains at home include:

  1. Resist the urge to scratch, as this will further damage the skin.
  2. Use calamine lotion or witch hazel to soothe the itching.
  3. Lanolin or similar, rubbed into the feet, will help retain body heat.
  4. Wear woollen or cotton socks.
  5. Keep your whole body warm.

What is the best cream for chilblains?

Calamine lotion and witch hazel are both soothing and cooling, whilst antiseptic should be applied to broken chilblains until medical attention is sought. A steroid cream rubbed onto the chilblains may reduce itch and soreness.

What vitamin is good for chilblains?

There is some evidence that Vitamin B (nicotinic acid) helps to prevent chilblains. Vasodilators which are recommended for improving the circulation in Raynaud’s phenomenon by opening up the blood vessels, can also be useful in the treatment and prevention of chilblains.

What should you not do with chilblains?


  • do not put your feet or hands on a radiator or under hot water to warm them up.
  • do not smoke or have drinks that have caffeine in them – this can affect the flow of blood in your fingers and toes.
  • do not scratch or pick at your skin.

    What happens if you have Itchy hands and feet?

    The itching becomes worse. Nausea, dizziness, heart palpitations, stuffed up nose, and shortness of breath follow the itching. I then have to go to the bathroom with a bout of diarrhea.

    Is it normal to have cold hands and feet?

    This is normal. The blood vessels in your hands and feet constrict (spasm) when it’s cold, to prevent heat loss from your core. Some people tend to have colder feet and hands naturally, without an underlying disease. It’s a fairly common condition .

    Why does my skin itch when I have a cold?

    Raynaud’s phenomenon causes color changes, coldness, tingling, and numbness in certain parts of the body. Cold exposure symptoms include color changes on the skin, numbness, stinging, redness, blisters, and more. Crabs, or pubic lice, are tiny, six-legged insects that infest pubic skin and hair and cause intense itching. ©2005-2015 WebMD, LLC.

    What causes itching in the sole of the foot?

    The most common affected areas include the pressure-bearing areas, especially the heels and other areas of the soles and palms causing itchy hands and feet. Lesions appear as white patches with shallow pits on the superficial layers of skin.

    Why do my hands and feet itch in winter?

    When your hands and feet itch, the right treatment can bring you some relief. How you treat the itching, though, depends a lot on the cause of the problem. It may just be dry skin, which can be brought on by winter weather or too much scrubbing.

    How to tell if your feet and hands are itchy?

    When they do appear, you may feel itchy and have: 1 Rash. 2 Very dry skin. 3 Burning and stinging. 4 Hives. 5 Blisters.

    What are the symptoms of Cold Feet and hands?

    Cold feet. Leg cramping, heaviness, or pain when walking. Hair loss on the shins. Nail changes. Painful sores on the feet or toes. When it comes to safeguarding your health, watch for new symptoms that persist, Dr. Bishop says.

    The most common affected areas include the pressure-bearing areas, especially the heels and other areas of the soles and palms causing itchy hands and feet. Lesions appear as white patches with shallow pits on the superficial layers of skin.