What are the negative effects of cortisone shots?

What are the negative effects of cortisone shots?

Side effects can include:

  • Cartilage damage.
  • Death of nearby bone.
  • Joint infection.
  • Nerve damage.
  • Temporary facial flushing.
  • Temporary flare of pain and inflammation in the joint.
  • Temporary increase in blood sugar.
  • Tendon weakening or rupture.

Can cortisone injections go wrong?

Research suggests cortisone injections may have a negative effect on cartilage. For example, one study6 found an association between repeated cortisone injections and 0.11 cm loss of cartilage in the knee. The same study did not find an association with increased knee pain.

Why has my cortisone injection not worked?

If you haven’t experienced pain relief, either you haven’t given the shot long enough to have its effects or the injection is not going to adequately relieve the inflammation, thus leading to pain relief. After a few weeks without relief, call your doctor to see what the next steps should be in your treatment.

What do you need to know about cortisone injections?

One of the most common treatments for joint pain, inflammation, and allergic reactions in a specific area of the body is to receive cortisone injections. Cortisone is a steroid which can be taken orally, applied to the skin, or injected.

Are there any side effects to a corticosteroid injection?

A single injection can avoid certain side effects, notably stomach irritation, that can happen with other anti-inflammatory drugs. What are the disadvantages and side effects? Short-term side effects are rare, but they can include the following: Tendons can be weakened by corticosteroid injections, and tendon ruptures have been reported.

Is there a connection between cortisone injections and muscle wasting?

Some evidence indicates that there may be a connection between cortisone injections and muscle wasting or atrophy. This research mostly applies to when patients receive repeated injections or a high-dose injection. Low-dose injections may not have this effect.

Can a cortisone injection cause nerve damage?

Because the joints of the limbs contain so many nerves, injecting anything into the joints has a risk of causing nerve damage. Even though these cases are rare, they should not be taken lightly. Individuals considering cortisone injections should talk with their doctors about the possibility of nerve damage before receiving injections.

Are there any side effects to a cortisone injection?

Disadvantages of cortisone injections are the necessity of piercing the skin with a needle as well as potential short- and long-term side effects. It should be emphasized that though each of these side effects is possible, they usually do not occur.

Where does cortisone injections go in the body?

Occasional Cortisone Injections Unlikely to Have Negative Affect on Bones. These effects of corticosteroids occur when steroid medication circulates throughout the body in the bloodstream. In contrast, cortisone and similar shots are injected into a joint or into the spine, and the medication typically stays in the area where it is injected.

When to say no to a cortisone shot?

For most people, there are at least three situations in which it’s best to decline a cortisone injection. Because cortisone shots can lead to slow tissue and cartilage damage, it is wise to avoid injecting the same area again and again.

Is there an absolute maximum number of cortisone injections?

There is no absolute maximum number of cortisone injections that a person may receive. The risk of side effects increases as the number of injections increases, and so the risks and benefits of each injection are considered carefully prior to administration. It is unusual to give cortisone shots in the same location on a routine basis.