What causes a white clump of fluid in the vagina?

What causes a white clump of fluid in the vagina?

The overgrowth of yeast can lead to candidiasis infection. This infection can lead to the development of rashes, boils, soreness and itchy vagina. It can also cause a white or gray clumpy fluid that discharges from the vagina.

What does it mean when a lump comes out of your vagina?

When the mouth of any of these glands becomes blocked, the secretion keep accumulating inside it and a bartholin’s cyst develops. This cyst is a painless lump or swelling present at the vaginal opening. This cystic lump usually gives no trouble.

What to do about fluid in Douglas pouch?

Fluid in POD s indicative of a lot of conditions like infection ,ectopic , tuberculosis ,chlamydia etc. You should get yourself examined by a gynaecologist and accordingly further treatment can be giv Read More Today I got my ultrasound report in which there is minimal free fluid in pouches of Douglas . Is there any chance for pregnancy?

What does a cyst on the side of the vagina do?

Bartholin’s Cyst On either side of the vaginal opening are present small lubricating glands called bartholin’s glands. They function by secreting a lubricating fluid which keeps the vagina moist and wet, preventing friction inside it.

Where does the fluid in the pouch of Douglas come from?

Fluid contained in the cul de sac may have originated from a ruptured ovarian cyst. There may have been an ovarian cyst, a small fluid filled sac, present inside the pouch. This cyst may have eventually ruptured, causing the fluid accumulation within the cul de sac.

Where does the pelvic mass come from in a woman?

Pelvic masses may originate from either the gynecologic organs, such as the cervix, uterus, uterine adnexa, or from other pelvic organs, such as the intestines, bladder, ureters, and renal organs.

Where does the fluid in the retrouterine pouch Go?

Presence of minimal fluid within the retrouterine pouch does not have much of a significance. During a normal menstrual cycle, a small volume of fluid may be found collected within the pouch. This fluid dissipates spontaneously, and is of normal physiology. [ 5] An illustration showing the pouch of douglas and its location in the pelvic cavity.

What does it mean to have fluid around your testicles?

Hydrocele. Hydrocele. Hydrocele is the type of scrotal swelling that occurs when fluid collects in the thin sheath that surrounds the testicle. A hydrocele can develop before birth. Normally, the testicles descend from the developing baby’s abdominal cavity into the scrotum. A sac accompanies each testicle, allowing fluid to surround the testicles.