What is the mass of a spring equal to?

What is the mass of a spring equal to?

It is equal to the mass times the instantaneous acceleration of the block. In case there is no block attached, then the mass will be equal to that of the spring itself which shall accelerate (but different points will accelerate differently and shall have different tensions, a very complicated case).

What happens when the mass of a spring is displaced?

That sounds right. When the mass is attached to the spring, even though it is being held at the original length, it is still displaced from the equilibrium position, which in this case, is when the force of the spring is balanced out by the force of gravity on the mass (kx = mgh) Comment on mthran’s post “That sounds right.

What is the equilibrium position of a horizontal spring?

So for a mass on a horizontal spring, the equilibrium position is at the point where the spring is at its natural length because the spring wouldn’t be pushing to the right or the left. If you just put the mass there at that point, it would just stay there forever at rest.

Where does the energy conservation occur in a vertical spring?

This occurs somewhere in between the equilibrium point and the extreme point (extreme point is when x=amplitude, A). At the equilibrium, the spring is not stretched any distance away from the equilibrium, i.e. x=0 and thus the mass moves with maximum velocity (as the total energy = kinetic energy + elastic potential energy, and this is conserved).

It is equal to the mass times the instantaneous acceleration of the block. In case there is no block attached, then the mass will be equal to that of the spring itself which shall accelerate (but different points will accelerate differently and shall have different tensions, a very complicated case).

So for a mass on a horizontal spring, the equilibrium position is at the point where the spring is at its natural length because the spring wouldn’t be pushing to the right or the left. If you just put the mass there at that point, it would just stay there forever at rest.

That sounds right. When the mass is attached to the spring, even though it is being held at the original length, it is still displaced from the equilibrium position, which in this case, is when the force of the spring is balanced out by the force of gravity on the mass (kx = mgh) Comment on mthran’s post “That sounds right.

This occurs somewhere in between the equilibrium point and the extreme point (extreme point is when x=amplitude, A). At the equilibrium, the spring is not stretched any distance away from the equilibrium, i.e. x=0 and thus the mass moves with maximum velocity (as the total energy = kinetic energy + elastic potential energy, and this is conserved).