How much niacin is safe?

How much niacin is safe?

The recommended daily amount of niacin for adult males is 16 milligrams (mg) a day and for adult women who aren’t pregnant, 14 mg a day.

What are the benefits of taking niacin supplements?

As an inexpensive and safe supplement, niacin is widely used for its effects on increasing HDL (good cholesterol) to lower cardiovascular risk, to prevent the pain and inflammation of arthritis, and to treat a variety of psychological disorders including anxiety and alcoholism.

Is it safe to take niacin or vitamin B3?

Niacin, or vitamin B3, is too dangerous and should not be used routinely by people looking to control their cholesterol levels or prevent heart disease, doctors say.

Is it safe to take niacin with high cholesterol?

Though niacin is often used along with statins for high cholesterol, this combination may increase the risk for side effects. Get advice from your healthcare provider. At the low DRI doses, niacin is safe for everyone. However, at the higher amounts used to treat medical conditions, it can have risks.

Are there any risks to taking niacin over the counter?

However, niacin is only effective as a cholesterol treatment at fairly high doses. These doses could pose risks, such as liver damage, gastrointestinal problems, or glucose intolerance. So don’t treat yourself with over-the-counter niacin supplements. Instead, get advice from your health care provider,…

What are the dangers of taking niacin?

However, all of these side effects tend to fade over time. Risks. Niacin does have risks. It can cause liver problems, stomach ulcers, changes to glucose levels, muscle damage, low blood pressure, heart rhythm changes, and other issues.

How often should I be taking niacin?

Dr. Jonny Bowden recommends that you take 300 mg of niacin three times a day. If you are supplementing with niacin as inositol hexanicotinate, you should take 400 mg, three or four times daily.

Should I take niacin before or after a meal?

“With larger initial doses, the flush is more pronounced and lasts longer,” says Dr. Hoffer. “But with each additional dose, the intensity of the flush decreases and in most patients becomes a minor nuisance rather than an irritant. Niacin should always be taken immediately after finishing ones meal.”.

Is it dangerous to take 500 mg of niacin daily?

But niacin (as nicotinic acid) in doses higher than 500 mg daily can cause severe side effects, including liver damage, diabetes, gastritis, and an elevation in blood levels of uric acid (which can cause gout). So researchers and nutrition experts developed inositol hexaniacinate.