Why would you take 40mg of Omeprazole?

Why would you take 40mg of Omeprazole?

Omeprazole 40mg Capsules are used to treat the following conditions: In adults: ‘Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease’ (GORD). This is where acid from the stomach escapes into the gullet (the tube which connects your throat to your stomach) causing pain, inflammation and heartburn.

What is pantoprazole 40 mg used for?

Pantoprazole is used to treat damage from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a condition in which backward flow of acid from the stomach causes heartburn and possible injury of the esophagus (the tube between the throat and stomach) in adults and children 5 years of age and older.

How many medications are used in the treatment of Gerd?

Compare all 110 medications used in the treatment of GERD. “I thought I was going mad! I started out with bloat, diarrhoea, headaches to feeling complete body pain and racing heart beat.

Can you take pantoprazole with acid reflux?

I went to the doctor and he told me it was acid reflux. He prescribed me 40mg of pantoprazole a day for 2 weeks. I am only in week two and I’ve noticed that I started getting a sore throat, mucus in the back of my thoat, and coughs. Some times I get a burning feeling in my throat.

Why do I take 40mg of pantoprazole a day?

“I have taken 40mg Pantoprazole for about five years for reflux. Went to doc because I was hoarse for a long period of time. Doc said it was acid reflux. I thought, NO WAY, because I’ve had acid reflux before after eating pepperoni or something, which was just horrible.

Compare all 110 medications used in the treatment of GERD. “I thought I was going mad! I started out with bloat, diarrhoea, headaches to feeling complete body pain and racing heart beat.

I went to the doctor and he told me it was acid reflux. He prescribed me 40mg of pantoprazole a day for 2 weeks. I am only in week two and I’ve noticed that I started getting a sore throat, mucus in the back of my thoat, and coughs. Some times I get a burning feeling in my throat.

What are the user reviews for omeprazole for GERD?

User Reviews for Omeprazole to treat GERD Also known as: Prilosec, Prilosec OTC, Omesec Omeprazole has an average rating of 5.9 out of 10 from a total of 157 ratings for the treatment of GERD. 45% of those users who reviewed Omeprazole reported a positive effect, while 34% reported a negative effect.

“I have taken 40mg Pantoprazole for about five years for reflux. Went to doc because I was hoarse for a long period of time. Doc said it was acid reflux. I thought, NO WAY, because I’ve had acid reflux before after eating pepperoni or something, which was just horrible.