Why would my reactive protein be high?

Why would my reactive protein be high?

A high level of CRP in the blood is a marker of inflammation. It can be caused by a wide variety of conditions, from infection to cancer. High CRP levels can also indicate that there’s inflammation in the arteries of the heart, which can mean a higher risk of heart attack.

Why would a child have a high CRP?

CRP levels rise when there is inflammation in your child’s body. Very high levels of CRP are caused by infections and many diseases. But other tests are needed to find the cause and location of the inflammation.

What infections cause high CRP in child?

However, this distinction is not absolute. C-reactive protein values greater than 100 mg per L can occur in uncomplicated infections caused by adenovirus, cytomegalovirus, and the viruses that cause influenza, measles and mumps.

How do you lower C-reactive protein in children?

As a natural way to control hsCRP, exercise (30 min walk per day) and a healthy diet may help. Beverages. Drink tap, sparkling or bottled water, 100-percent juices, herbal tea, low-sodium vegetable juice, and low- or non-fat milk. Choose fresh foods more often and choose fewer heavily processed foods.

What causes elevated C reactive protein in blood?

People who have certain arthritic or autoimmune conditions tend to have elevated C-reactive protein levels because inflammation underlies these disorders. Arthritis may push test results far beyond the range used to assess heart disease risk.

What does a C reactive protein test show?

It measures the level of C-reactive protein (CRP) in your blood. This type of test can be performed in both adults and children, and even babies to check for signs of illnesses. Changes in CRP levels can indicate whether or not treatments you’re receiving are working to manage inflammation.

What causes high protein levels in the blood?

High blood protein is not a disease. It is a sign of another underlying medical problem. Many diseases or medical conditions may cause elevated protein blood levels (hyperproteinemia) or an imbalance of the ratio of albumin to globulins. These conditions include: Dehydration.

What are the results of a blood protein test?

The blood test results often include total protein levels, albumin level and the ratio of albumin to globulins. An abnormal level of blood proteins may require further follow-up testing like protein electrophoresis and quantitative immunoglobulins. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center.