Why does my tonsil Look Infected?

Why does my tonsil Look Infected?

Tonsillitis is most often caused by common viruses, but bacterial infections also can be the cause. The most common bacterium causing tonsillitis is Streptococcus pyogenes (group A streptococcus), the bacterium that causes strep throat. Other strains of strep and other bacteria also may cause tonsillitis.

What does a tonsil infection look like?

White or yellow spots or coating on the throat and/or tonsils (tonsillar exudates) Red spots on the roof of the mouth (upper palette) Swollen or tender lymph nodes on the neck. Absence of coughing or sneezing.

How to tell if your tonsil is swollen on one side?

These symptoms include: 1 A sore throat: You may start to notice a sore throat as your first symptom. 2 Vomiting: Nausea or vomiting can be another symptom of tonsillitis. 3 Earache: Swollen tonsil on one side and ear pain are interrelated. 4 Abdominal pain. 5 Chills: Chills are common when infected with bacteria or viruses. 6 (more items)

What does it mean when your tonsils are red?

The telltale symptom that sends most people to the doctor is the unrelenting scratchy sore throat, which often comes on quickly. Some people will have swollen tonsils that are red, with white patches or streaks of pus on them.

What are the symptoms of a tonsil cyst?

So I’ll tell you some of the common symptoms of tonsil cysts.. A wheatish/white lump on tonsil. Feeling of something stuck in throat. Irritating/itching Tonsils. Liquid holding bubble on tonsils (sometimes) Popping sound in ear. Presence of the lump for many days..

Which is the first symptom of tonsillitis?

These symptoms include: A sore throat: You may start to notice a sore throat as your first symptom Vomiting: Nausea or vomiting can be another symptom of tonsillitis Earache: Swollen tonsil on one side and ear pain are interrelated Abdominal pain Chills: Chills are common when infected with bacteria or viruses Fever