Why do I have a bump by my tear duct?

Why do I have a bump by my tear duct?

Harmless debris or small particles get stuck in the duct. A broken nose or other injury leaves scar tissue that presses on the tear duct. Small, rounded growths called polyps form in the nose and block the duct. An infection in the eye or nose causes swelling around the tear duct.

How do you open a closed tear duct?

First the patient is given a general anesthetic. Then the doctor threads through the tear duct blockage in the nose a tube (catheter) with a deflated balloon on the tip. He or she inflates and deflates the balloon a few times to open the blockage.

What kind of cyst is near the tear ducts?

It is always advisable to checkup with the doctor in spite of them being harmless. Sweat Gland cyst – They appear near the tear ducts and are a most common type of cyst. They appear to be transparent, round and shiny. Nevus – These cysts are identified in the eyelids as flesh colored growths.

What are the symptoms of a blocked tear duct?

The procedure is done to relieve the symptoms of a blocked tear duct. These include excessive eye watering or crusting around your eye. If the duct is infected, you might have the following symptoms: Not everyone who has a blocked tear duct needs a DCR.

What causes a cyst on the side of the eye?

There are tiny glands just under the inner surface of the eyelid, called meibomian glands. These make an oily fluid called meibum to help lubricate the eye. If the gland becomes blocked then the meibum cannot escape into the tears. It may expand into a swelling (cyst) and leak into the eyelid tissue.

What does it mean if you have a tear duct infection?

Dacryocystitis is an infection in the tear drainage system. Tears drain from each eye through small canals, a tear sac (lacrimal sac) and a tear duct (nasolacrimal duct).

What is cystic obstruction?

Cystic duct obstruction is the cause and mechanism most commonly encountered in the development of acute cholecystitis. In aproximately 95% of cases, the obstruction is caused by a bile stone, which is situated in the gallbladder neck or cystic duct.

What is a tear duct gland?

Tear glands and tear ducts The tear glands (lacrimal glands), located above each eyeball, continuously supply tear fluid that’s wiped across the surface of your eye each time you blink your eyes. Excess fluid drains through the tear ducts into the nose.

What is a tear duct surgery?

Tear duct surgery, or dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR), is a surgical procedure performed by ophthalmolgists to unblock or drain obstructed or infected tear ducts or other portions of the tear (lacrimal) system. A blockage of the tear system can result in excessive tearing, lack of tears, or infection within the drainage system.