Which organ system waterproof barrier that blocks the entrance of pathogens into the body and prevents the loss of water from the body?

Which organ system waterproof barrier that blocks the entrance of pathogens into the body and prevents the loss of water from the body?

The most obvious function of the integumentary system is the protection that the skin gives to underlying tissues. The skin not only keeps most harmful substances out, but also prevents the loss of fluids.

Which organ system creates a waterproof barrier?

Integumentary System (Skin, Hair, Nails) It acts as a barrier to physical, chemical, and biological agents. The skin prevents water loss and regulates body temperature. It transmits the senses of touch, pain, and pleasure and maintains body temperature by secreting sweat.

What system controls muscles and glands?

How the Nervous System Interacts with Other Body Systems

Muscular System Muscles (smooth, skeletal and cardiac muscles)
Endocrine System Pineal body, pituitary gland, hypothalamus, thyroid, parathyroid, heart, adrenal gland, kidney, pancreas, stomach, intestines, ovary

What system returns body fluids to the bloodstream?

The lymphatic system collects excess fluid that drains from cells and tissue throughout the body and returns it to the bloodstream, which is then recirculated through the body.

What organ system transports nutrients oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body?

The circulatory system delivers oxygen and nutrients to cells and takes away wastes. The heart pumps oxygenated and deoxygenated blood on different sides. The types of blood vessels include arteries, capillaries and veins.

What transports nutrients oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body?

The blood transports oxygen from the lungs to the cells of the body, where it is needed for metabolism. The carbon dioxide produced during metabolism is carried back to the lungs by the blood, where it is then exhaled (breathed out).

What organ controls all body functions?

The brain is like a computer that controls the body’s functions, and the nervous system is like a network that relays messages to parts of the body.

How is the cardiovascular system a waterproof barrier?

waterproof barrier that blocks the entrance of pathogens into the body and prevents the loss of water from the body. Cardiovascular transports nutrients, oxygen, and carbon dioxide throughout the body.

Which is a function of a waterproof barrier?

waterproof barrier that blocks the entrance of pathogens into the body and prevents the loss of water from the body. Cardiovascular. transports nutrients, oxygen, and carbon dioxide throughout the body.

How does the body protect itself from infection?

If it is cut or grazed, it immediately begins to heal itself, often by forming a scab. This prevents infection as the skin acts as a physical barrier. Parts of the body that do not have skin have developed other ways to prevent infection. For example, the eyes produce tears which contain enzymes, and these are known as chemical barriers.

Which is part of the body traps pathogens?

Cells in the nose produce mucus which traps pathogens before they can enter the lungs. When the nose is blown, the mucus, and any pathogens that are trapped within it, is removed. The trachea runs from the larynx (voice box) to the bronchi. The cells that line the trachea have hairs called cilia, which are much smaller than those in the nose.

waterproof barrier that blocks the entrance of pathogens into the body and prevents the loss of water from the body. Cardiovascular transports nutrients, oxygen, and carbon dioxide throughout the body.

waterproof barrier that blocks the entrance of pathogens into the body and prevents the loss of water from the body. Cardiovascular. transports nutrients, oxygen, and carbon dioxide throughout the body.

Which is the physical barrier of the immune system?

Physical Barriers. These barriers provide a physical block against pathogens from entering the immune system. The largest barrier comprises of the skin, which has a large surface area and covers the majority of the external surfaces of the body. The mucous membranes of the mouth, respiratory tract, GI tract and urinary tract also line…

What does the integumentary system do for the body?

Integumentary System Waterproof barrier that blocks the entrance of pathogens into the body and prevents the loss of water from the body Cardiovascular System Transports nutrients, oxygen, and carbon dioxide throughout the body Digestive System Changes food into absorbable nutrients; expels wastes