Which is a true concerning muscle tissue?

Which is a true concerning muscle tissue?

The correct answer is option b, that is, highly cellular and well vascularized. Explanation: Muscle tissue comprises cells, which possess the tendency to contract or shorten in order to generate movement of the body parts. The tissue is well innervated with blood vessels and is highly cellular.

Does a smooth muscle cell have a central nucleus but lacks striations?

Smooth and cardiac muscle are under involuntary control. Skeletal muscle is under voluntary control. A smooth muscle cell has a central nucleus but lacks striations. Intercalated discs and striations are both characteristic of skeletal muscle.

Which of the following is not a step in tissue repair?

Which of the following is not a step in tissue repair? Regeneration and fibrosis.

Which tissue in the wall of the uterus is required for labor contractions?

Uterine smooth muscle (myometrium) constitutes the muscular layer of the uterus which is responsible for contractions during labor that efface and dilate the cervix and deliver the fetus3.

What are the three main components of connective tissue?

Components of connective tissue All forms of connective tissue are composed of (1) extracellular fibres, (2) an amorphous matrix called ground substance, and (3) stationary and migrating cells. The proportions of these components vary from one part of the body to another depending on the local structural requirements.

Which of these characteristics best describes cardiac muscle tissue?

Answer is: Involuntary movement and cell striation.

Which property is most consistent in all connective tissues?

Which property is most consistent in the majority of connective tissues? A.] greater amount of extracellular matrix compared to cellular content (*Even in blood, the cellular portion is less concentrated than the plasma matrix that surrounds the blood cells.)

What are the 4 major types of connective tissue?

Connective tissues are classified into four classes: BLOOD, BONE, CARTILAGE, CONNECTIVE TISSUE PROPER.

Which is the following statement is true of connective tissue?

Which of the following statements is true of connective tissue? A) collagen fibers provides high tensile strength B) when connective tissue is stretched, collagen gives it the ability to snap back C) reticular fibers form thick, ropelike structures D) elastin fibers are sometimes called white fibers

Which is true about muscle tissue and intervertebral discs?

The reason that intervertebral discs exhibit a large amount of tensile strength, which allows them to absorb shock, is because they possess ______. Which is true concerning muscle tissue?

Which is tissue is required for labor contractions?

A) highly cellular and well vascularized B) cuboidal shape enhances function C) contains contractile units made of collagen D) is a single-celled tissue highly cellular and well vascularized Which tissue in the wall of the uterus is required for labor contractions? smooth muscle

What are the differences between connective tissue and epithelial tissue?

What is the differences between epithelial tissues in terms of cellularity, vascular off, structure, and function. Cellularity: Epithelial tissue is highly cellular, composed mostly of cells. Connective tissue has fewer cells, but contains fibers. Vascularity: Epithelial tissue is avascular, but innervated.