What puts a person at risk of endocarditis?

What puts a person at risk of endocarditis?

Risk factors for developing endocarditis include the following: injecting illicit intravenous drugs with a needle contaminated with bacteria or fungi. scarring caused by heart valve damage, which allows bacteria or germs to grow. tissue damage from having endocarditis in the past.

What virus causes endocarditis?

An infection of the endocardium causes endocarditis. The infection is normally caused by streptococcal or staphylococcal bacteria. Rarely, it can be caused by fungi or other infectious micro-organisms.

How do you get bacterial endocarditis?

Endocarditis is caused by bacteria in the bloodstream multiplying and spreading across the inner lining of your heart (endocardium). The endocardium becomes inflamed, causing damage to your heart valves. Your heart is usually well protected against infection so bacteria can pass harmlessly by.

Can a bacterial infection in the heart cause endocarditis?

Even if bacteria reach your heart, they may pass through without causing an infection. However, bacteria that live in your mouth, throat or other parts of your body, such as your skin or your gut, can sometimes cause serious infections like endocarditis under the right circumstances.

What kind of disease does the endocardium have?

Endocarditis is a rare condition that involves inflammation of the heart lining, heart muscles, and heart valves. It is also known as infective endocarditis (IE), bacterial endocarditis (BE), infectious endocarditis, and fungal endocarditis. An infection of the endocardium causes endocarditis.

What causes a person to get endocarditis in the mouth?

Fungi or other germs also may cause endocarditis. Usually, your immune system destroys any harmful bacteria that enter your bloodstream. However, bacteria that live in your mouth, throat or other parts of your body, such as your skin or your gut, can sometimes cause endocarditis under the right circumstances.

What are some of the side effects of endocarditis?

As a result, endocarditis can cause several complications, including: 1 Heart problems, such as heart murmur, heart valve damage and heart failure 2 Stroke 3 Pockets of collected pus (abscesses) that develop in the heart, brain, lungs and other organs 4 Blood clot in a lung artery (pulmonary embolism) 5 Kidney damage 6 Enlarged spleen

Even if bacteria reach your heart, they may pass through without causing an infection. However, bacteria that live in your mouth, throat or other parts of your body, such as your skin or your gut, can sometimes cause serious infections like endocarditis under the right circumstances.

What is the difference between IE and infective endocarditis?

Infective endocarditis refers specifically to infection in the lining of the heart, but IE also affects the valves and often affects the muscles of the heart.

Endocarditis is a rare condition that involves inflammation of the heart lining, heart muscles, and heart valves. It is also known as infective endocarditis (IE), bacterial endocarditis (BE), infectious endocarditis, and fungal endocarditis. An infection of the endocardium causes endocarditis.

As a result, endocarditis can cause several complications, including: 1 Heart problems, such as heart murmur, heart valve damage and heart failure 2 Stroke 3 Pockets of collected pus (abscesses) that develop in the heart, brain, lungs and other organs 4 Blood clot in a lung artery (pulmonary embolism) 5 Kidney damage 6 Enlarged spleen