What makes a case a reportable infectious disease?

What makes a case a reportable infectious disease?

Reportable Infectious Diseases Cases, suspected cases, carriers, and deaths due to a number of infectious diseases must be reported to the Minnesota Department of Health. A “case” is a person or deceased person infected with a particular infectious agent or having a particular disease diagnosed by a health care practitioner.

When do you have to report an infectious disease?

All infectious diseases and conditions defined as of national or state importance must be reported list print version. Reports for potential agents of bioterrorism and some conditions must be reported immediately. Other diseases must be reported within 4 days.

What diseases have to be reported to CDC?

Many of the diseases that are reportable to the CDC include: Anthrax. Arboviral diseases (diseases caused by viruses spread by mosquitoes, sandflies, ticks, etc.) such as West Nile virus, eastern and western equine encephalitis. Botulism. Brucellosis. Chancroid. Chickenpox. Chlamydia trachomatis.

Who is a contact of an infectious disease?

A “contact” is a person who may have been exposed to a case, suspected case, or carrier in a manner that could place the person at risk of acquiring the infection based on known or suspected modes of transmission.

Where do health care providers report infectious diseases?

In many states, local health departments provide epidemiologic services; as a consequence, health care providers in many states are encouraged to report diseases directly to local health departments rather than to the state health department.

Where can I find list of reportable diseases?

All US states have a reportable diseases list. It is the responsibility of the health care provider, not the patient, to report cases of these diseases.

How many infectious diseases are there in the world?

Among reportable diseases identified at the outset of this project were more than 160 infectious diseases or infectious disease-related conditions, 90 diseases caused by occupational exposures, 23 other environmental diseases, 29 congenital or noninfectious childhood conditions, and 6 diseases of unknown etiology.

When did States start to report infectious diseases?

By 1901, all states required notification of selected communicable diseases to local health authorities. However, the poliomyelitis epidemic in 1916 and the influenza pandemic of 1918 heightened interest in reporting requirements, resulting in the participation of all states in national morbidity reporting by 1925.