What kind of doctor should I see for bedwetting?

What kind of doctor should I see for bedwetting?

Pediatric urologists are surgeons that specialize in the urinary tract. They are experts in bedwetting and spend a lot of their time helping children become dry. Urologists are particularly skilled helping children with complicated types of wetting.

What can bedwetting be a sign of?

Nocturnal enuresis or bedwetting is the involuntary release of urine during sleep. Bedwetting can be a symptom of bladder control problems like incontinence or overactive bladder or more severe structural issues, like an enlarged prostate or bladder cancer.

Is bed wetting a sign of trauma?

Psychological or emotional problems: Emotional stress caused by traumatic events or disruptions in a child’s normal routine can cause bedwetting.

What can be done about bed wetting in adults?

Take medicines. Several can help with bed-wetting. Desmopressin ( DDAVP) reduces the amount of urine your kidneys make. If medicines and other treatments don’t work, your doctor might recommend one of these procedures: Bladder augmentation. It’s an operation that makes your bladder larger, which raises the amount of urine it can hold.

How can I talk to a doctor at home?

Talk to a doctor – from the comfort of your home. Talk by telephone, online or face to face. Choose how you speak to a doctor using our mobile app or on the Talk to A Doctor website. If you can’t find the doctor you need, let us find one for you! Using the latest innovative technologies.

Why do I keep wetting my bed when I Sleep?

Some drugs you take can irritate your bladder, such as sleeping pills or antipsychotics like: Your bed-wetting may also be due to conditions that affect your body’s ability to store and hold urine. For instance, bladder cancer and prostate cancer can cause it.

What happens to your kidneys when you wet your bed?

A hormone called ADH tells your kidneys to make less urine, and you normally make less of this hormone at night. When you have bed-wetting issues, you may not make enough of this hormone or your kidneys might not respond well to it.

What should a doctor do for bed wetting?

Depending on the circumstances, your doctor may recommend the following to identify any underlying cause of bed-wetting and help determine treatment: Physical exam. Discussion of symptoms, fluid intake, family history, bowel and bladder habits, and problems associated with bed-wetting.

When to take your child to the doctor for bedwetting?

While bedwetting can create embarrassment and anxiety in the child (and the parents), it usually isn’t caused by a serious medical problem. If your child is younger than age 5 and has no other symptoms, the doctor will likely suggest taking a ‘wait and see’ approach.

Is there such a thing as a cure for bedwetting?

Alarms along with behavior modifications are often tried first before using medication. Beware of devices or other treatments that promise a quick “cure” for bedwetting. There really is no such thing. Stopping bedwetting for most children takes patience, motivation, and time.

What causes a person to wet the bed?

If the body is not producing enough ADH, or if the kidneys are not responding to the hormone as usual, it can cause bedwetting. Genetics: People are more likely to wet the bed if they have a family history of bedwetting. Bladder capacity: If a person has a smaller bladder capacity, they may be unable to hold urine throughout the night.