What kind of doctor do I see for jaw pain?

What kind of doctor do I see for jaw pain?

Your doctor may refer you to an oral and maxillofacial specialist, an otolaryngologist (also called an ear, nose, and throat doctor or ENT specialist), or a dentist specializing in jaw disorders (prosthodontist, also called a prosthetic dentist) for further treatment.

When should I go to the doctor about my jaw?

When to go to consult a specialist If your jaw got hurt and you are experiencing jaw pain, facial pain, ear pain and neck pain including headache it could be due to TMJ disorder. There is no surprise if you are feeling pain in your jaw while eating, chewing these are the symptoms of TMJ disorder.

When to seek medical attention for jaw pain?

Seek medical attention if you have persistent pain or tenderness in your jaw, or if you can’t open or close your jaw completely. Your doctor, your dentist or a TMJ specialist can discuss possible causes and treatments for your problem. Causes. The temporomandibular joint combines a hinge action with sliding motions.

What causes pain in the back of the jaw?

Understanding Jaw Pain: How to Find Relief 1 Temporomandibular joint and muscle disorder (TMD) TMDs are the most common cause of jaw pain,… 2 Cluster headaches. Cluster headaches typically cause pain behind or around one of the eyes,… 3 Sinus problems. The sinuses are air-filled cavities located close to the jaw joint.

Can you have jaw surgery for jaw pain?

Jaw surgery: In very rare instances, a doctor will recommend jaw surgery to correct TMD problems. This treatment is usually reserved for people with severe pain and pain that’s due to structural problems in the jaw joint. Read more: Does Botox help treat chronic migraine? »

What can I take for pain in one side of my jaw?

These can help numb pain and may be particularly helpful if you’re also experiencing swelling. Try nonprescription pain relief. Acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Advil), and other over-the-counter pain medications can help relieve pain temporarily. Be sure to follow the dosage instructions on the package.

What should I do if I have pain in my jaw?

Most doctors will first recommend non-invasive treatment methods for your jaw pain. If you still have jaw pain after trying these methods, you should talk to your dentist. You may need further interventions to find relief for your pain.

When to see a doctor for ear and jaw pain?

It is best to see a doctor for ear and jaw pain if: Ear and jaw pain can be extremely unpleasant. Prompt medical treatment can help, even when there is an underlying chronic condition. If home treatment fails, a person should speak to their doctor. There is no reason to suffer through the pain or delay treatment.

Understanding Jaw Pain: How to Find Relief 1 Temporomandibular joint and muscle disorder (TMD) TMDs are the most common cause of jaw pain,… 2 Cluster headaches. Cluster headaches typically cause pain behind or around one of the eyes,… 3 Sinus problems. The sinuses are air-filled cavities located close to the jaw joint.

How to know if your neck pain is related to your jaw joint?

Red flags include numbness, swelling, nosebleeds or sinus drainage problems, unexplained weight loss, hearing problems, constant pain (not related to your jaw), or symptoms that simply don’t respond to any TMJ treatment with which you may be engaged.