What is the word but in a sentence?

What is the word but in a sentence?

But can be used in the following ways: As a conjunction (connecting two phrases or clauses): She’s 83 but she still goes swimming every day. As a way of starting a new sentence and connecting it to the previous sentence: It was in Cairo that he met Nadia. But that’s another story.

What is the sentence of lungs?

Lungs sentence example. If they can figure a way to smoke without getting it in my eyes and lungs , they can smoke themselves to death for all I care. She ran until the cold air burned her lungs and the people were far behind her. It looks like one of his lungs has collapsed.

How do you use alcohol in a sentence?

Alcohol sentence example

  1. No alcohol , he reminded her.
  2. Even his ability to find alcohol for a party was adventurous.
  3. She snatched the lighter on the mantle and ran to the door, standing close until the alcohol lit and spread.
  4. Violations, especially by those supplying alcohol to minors, should be dealt with severely.

What does it mean to lunge at someone?

to move forward suddenly and with force, especially in order to attack someone: He suddenly lunged at her with a broken bottle.

What is but in grammar?

The word but is one of the seven coordinating conjunctions in English (the others are and, or, so, for, nor, and yet). It’s used to connect two statements that contrast or contradict each other in some way.

When someone uses but in a sentence?

‘But’ is a conjunction used to introduce something contrasting with what has already been mentioned. This is fine, except when ‘but’ is used in complex situations where communication is sensitive. For example: in apologies, critique, and other nuanced personal communication.

What are the common lung ailments?

The most common lung diseases include:

  • Asthma.
  • Collapse of part or all of the lung (pneumothorax or atelectasis)
  • Swelling and inflammation in the main passages (bronchial tubes) that carry air to the lungs (bronchitis)
  • COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
  • Lung cancer.
  • Lung infection (pneumonia)

What is alcohol simple words?

Alcohol: An organic substance formed when a hydroxyl group is substituted for a hydrogen atom in a hydrocarbon. The type of alcohol used in alcoholic beverages, ethanol, derives from fermenting sugar with yeast. After alcohol is ingested, the body converts it to sugar-based fuel.

What is an example for lunging?

He made a desperate lunge for the ball. Verb He lunged at me with his knife. She lunged across the table. The crocodile lunged at its prey. The dog lunged for his throat.

Why is it called a lunge?

lunge (n.) 1735, “a thrust with a sword,” originally a fencing term, shortened from allonge, from French allonger “to extend, thrust,” from Old French alongier “to lengthen, make long,” from à “to” + Old French long, from Latin longus “long” (see long (adj.)).

Which is the best definition of the word lunge?

[luhnj] See more synonyms for lunge on Thesaurus.com. noun. a sudden forward thrust, as with a sword or knife; stab. any sudden forward movement; plunge.

Which is an example of a lunging hand?

Examples from the Web for lunging Its teeth are now pointing toward my throat, and lunging straight at me. He took the hilt of his ashplant, lunging with it softly, dallying still. Bill’s lunging hand fell upon the weapon, Petersen’s fist fell upon Bill, and the revolver was Petersen’s.

What is the definition of a reverse lunge?

Take a large step backward and rapidly lower into a reverse lunge until your front thigh is parallel to the floor and your back knee hovers just above the ground, then explosively jump as high as you can. During the exhausting 1992 campaign I was asked if Clinton got tired of the crowds: their neediness, their wide-eyed lunging.

How is the word lunge used in a sentence?

Other movements that may be incorporated into step sequences or used as connecting elements include lunges and spread eagles. This example is from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license. When the spider notices prey (probably by detecting vibration), it lunges out, grabs it and retreats immediately.

What’s the best synonym for the word lunging?

Mayo accosted the captain when that fuming gentleman came lunging along the sidewalk. BLOW THE MAN DOWN HOLMAN DAY “It’s a scalp, lieutenant,” shouted the foremost sergeant as he came lunging up to join his chief. WARRIOR GAP CHARLES KING

Take a large step backward and rapidly lower into a reverse lunge until your front thigh is parallel to the floor and your back knee hovers just above the ground, then explosively jump as high as you can. During the exhausting 1992 campaign I was asked if Clinton got tired of the crowds: their neediness, their wide-eyed lunging.

Examples from the Web for lunging Its teeth are now pointing toward my throat, and lunging straight at me. He took the hilt of his ashplant, lunging with it softly, dallying still. Bill’s lunging hand fell upon the weapon, Petersen’s fist fell upon Bill, and the revolver was Petersen’s.