What is the suffix for abnormal?

What is the suffix for abnormal?

-osis. abnormal condition, increased number (blood)

What is the prefix for abnormal flow?

a combining form with the meanings “rupture,” “profuse discharge,” “abnormal flow,” used in the formation of compound words: bronchorrhagia.

What root word means abnormal condition?

Term. Suffixes Meaning “Abnormal Condition” Definition. In medical terminology, many suffixes, such as -osis, means “abnormal condition or disease.”

What is the medical suffix for abnormal condition?

-ia abnormal condition, disease. -osis abnormal condition, disease.

What does the prefix Brady indicate?

Brady- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “slow.” It is used in scientific and medical terms, especially in pathology.

Which word part is added to beginning of a term?

usually, but not always, indicates location, time, number, or status. A prefix always comes at the beginning of a word. You’ll know a word part is a prefix when it is shown followed by a hyphen (-). For example, hyper- means excessive or increased.

What are the medical terms for combining forms?

Medical Terminology – get connected! Chapters 4,5,6,7,8 Terms in this set (133) abdomin/o combining form meaning abdomen anter/o combining form meaning front (side of body) brachi/o

What is the word for a condition without feeling?

Suffix: -tic; pertaining to Prefix: an-; without Combining form: esthe/o; feeling Definition: pertaining to without feeling. Suffix: -osis; abnormal condition Prefix: an-; without Combining form: hidr/o; sweat Definition: abnormal condition without sweat.

What does the suffix oma mean in medical terms?

Suffix: -oma; tumor Prefix: none Combining form: oste/o; bone Combining form: sarc/o; connective tissue Definition: tumor in the bone and connective tissue. Suffix: -ia; abnormal condition Prefix: none Combining form: chondr/o; cartilage Combining form: malac/o; softening Definition: abnormal condition of softening cartilage.

Medical Terminology – get connected! Chapters 4,5,6,7,8 Terms in this set (133) abdomin/o combining form meaning abdomen anter/o combining form meaning front (side of body) brachi/o

Suffix: -tic; pertaining to Prefix: an-; without Combining form: esthe/o; feeling Definition: pertaining to without feeling. Suffix: -osis; abnormal condition Prefix: an-; without Combining form: hidr/o; sweat Definition: abnormal condition without sweat.

Suffix: -oma; tumor Prefix: none Combining form: oste/o; bone Combining form: sarc/o; connective tissue Definition: tumor in the bone and connective tissue. Suffix: -ia; abnormal condition Prefix: none Combining form: chondr/o; cartilage Combining form: malac/o; softening Definition: abnormal condition of softening cartilage.

Which is an example of a root combining form?

Word Roots and Combining Forms Root Word Combining Form Definition Example A abdomen abdomin/o abdomen abdominocentesis achilles achill/o Achilles’ heel achillobursitis acid acid/o acid (pH) acidosis acoust acoust/o hearing acoustics acr acr/o extremity acroarthritis actin actin/o ray actinodermatitis