What is the purpose of chlorination in drinking water?

What is the purpose of chlorination in drinking water?

The main purpose of chlorination is to disinfect water, but it also has many other benefits. Unlike some of the other disinfection methods like ozonation and ultraviolet radiation, chlorination is able to provide a residual to reduce the chance of pathogen regrowth in water storage tanks or within the water distribution system.

How is chlorine used in a water treatment plant?

Chlorine is typically added to water using chemical feed systems to inject liquid sodium hypochlorite (bleach) solution or added as gaseous chlorine (typical of larger public water treatment plants). Chlorine cannot be used in most high purity water loops without contaminating the process or interfering with the end use of the water.

How are hypochlorinators used in the water treatment process?

Hypochlorinators are usually used to perform continuous chlorination in smaller systems. Chlorinators are devices which introduce chlorine solution to water. Chlorinators are more economical when the supply source is greater than 200 Lpm and may sometimes be used in smaller systems as well. NaCl is hydrolyzed to chlorine (Cl) and NaOH.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of chlorination?

A large amount of research and many studies have been conducted to ensure success in new treatment plants using chlorine as a disinfectant. A leading advantage of chlorination is that it has proven effective against bacteria and viruses; however, it cannot inactivate all microbes. About Mission, Vision and Goals

The main purpose of chlorination is to disinfect water, but it also has many other benefits. Unlike some of the other disinfection methods like ozonation and ultraviolet radiation, chlorination is able to provide a residual to reduce the chance of pathogen regrowth in water storage tanks or within the water distribution system.

What are the functions of chlorine in the body?

Major Functions Of Chlorine In Our Body The osmotic pressure in the cells and tissues is well maintained when there is optimal chloride level in the blood. With its presence, carbon dioxide is properly channeled from the tissues. Chloride is a catalyst in manufacturing of hormones from different glands.

How is chlorine produced in the chlorination process?

By far most Chlorine is manufactured from table salt (NaCl) by electrolysis in the chlor-alkali process. The resulting gas at atmospheric pressures is liquified at high pressure. The liquefied gas is transported and used as such. As a strong oxidizing agent, chlorine kills via the oxidation of organic molecules.

Is it necessary to chlorinate to the point of establishing free chlorine?

For maximum safety in the production of germ-free water, it is essential to chlorinate to the point of establishing free chlorine. That the treatment has been properly carried out can only be established by using test procedures capable of measuring free chlorine separate from combined chlorine.