What is the order of systemic circulation?

What is the order of systemic circulation?

Systemic circulation is ordered from the left ventricle to the aorta, through the structures of the body, to the superior or inferior vena cava, and reenters the heart in the right atrium.

What is the circulation of blood through the body called?

As the heart beats, it pumps blood through a system of blood vessels, called the circulatory system. The vessels are elastic tubes that carry blood to every part of the body.

Where does oxygenated blood go in the circulatory system?

Systemic circulation carries oxygenated blood from the left ventricle, through the arteries, to the capillaries in the tissues of the body. From the tissue capillaries, the deoxygenated blood returns through a system of veins to the right atrium of the heart .

How is blood transported through the circulatory system?

The circulatory system: How blood is transported through our bodies. It enters the right ventricle, which pumps it through the pulmonary arteries into the lungs, to pick up more oxygen. Oxygenated, blood reenters the left atrium, moves into the left ventricle, and the blood’s journey begins again.

What are the two main routes of circulation?

There are two routes of circulation in the body’s cardiovascular system: _________ circulation: circulation of blood between the heart and the lungs _________ Circulation:circulation that supplies blood to all the body except to the lungs, Systemic Circulation Route

Where does circulation take place in the heart?

_________ circulation: circulation of blood between the heart and the lungs _________ Circulation:circulation that supplies blood to all the body except to the lungs, Systemic Circulation Route the right side of the heart → lungs → the left side of the heart → systemic tissues of the body → back to the right side. Pulmonary Circulation Route

Systemic circulation carries oxygenated blood from the left ventricle, through the arteries, to the capillaries in the tissues of the body. From the tissue capillaries, the deoxygenated blood returns through a system of veins to the right atrium of the heart .

The circulatory system: How blood is transported through our bodies. It enters the right ventricle, which pumps it through the pulmonary arteries into the lungs, to pick up more oxygen. Oxygenated, blood reenters the left atrium, moves into the left ventricle, and the blood’s journey begins again.

There are two routes of circulation in the body’s cardiovascular system: _________ circulation: circulation of blood between the heart and the lungs _________ Circulation:circulation that supplies blood to all the body except to the lungs, Systemic Circulation Route

_________ circulation: circulation of blood between the heart and the lungs _________ Circulation:circulation that supplies blood to all the body except to the lungs, Systemic Circulation Route the right side of the heart → lungs → the left side of the heart → systemic tissues of the body → back to the right side. Pulmonary Circulation Route