What is the number one cause of eye injuries for construction workers OSHA?

What is the number one cause of eye injuries for construction workers OSHA?

Dust is probably the most basic, most common eye hazard that workers face. Especially if you work outdoors. Those who work in construction, mining, woodworking, and the oil and gas industries deal with dust hazards on a daily basis.

What are some hazards that can irritate the eye?

Five common eye hazards

  • 1) Impact. Impact hazards include flying objects such as chips, fragments, particles, sand and dirt.
  • 2) Heat.
  • 3) Chemicals.
  • 4) Dust.
  • 5) Optical radiation.
  • Be in compliance.

What are three common hazards in the workplace?

What are the 6 types of hazards in the workplace?

  • 1) Safety hazards. Safety hazards can affect any employee but these are more likely to affect those who work with machinery or on a construction site.
  • 2) Biological hazards.
  • 3) Physical hazards.
  • 4) Ergonomic hazards.
  • 5) Chemical hazards.
  • 6) Workload hazards.

What is the most common eye hazard?

Three of the most common workplace eye and face hazards are flying objects, hazardous chemicals, and dust. And the most common of these three is flying objects. Flying objects are believed to cause the majority of workplace eye injuries, and more than half the objects involved are smaller than the head of a pin.

What does the eye hazard symbol mean?

The eye protection safety sign indicates there is the possibility of chemical, environmental, radiological, or mechanical irritants and hazards in the laboratory.

What are the most common irritants in the workplace?

In addition to the label and SDS it may be convenient to consult one or more existing lists of irritants at the workplace. These include substances that may be generated in certain processes instead of being purchased, such as welding fume, diesel motor exhaust, wood dust and glass wool fibres.

Are there any eye injuries that require medical attention?

Most eye injuries, like getting soap or a tiny foreign body in the eye, are minor. Others, such as those that occur in some work environments or during sports play, require prompt medical attention.

What are the symptoms of exposure to an irritant?

These symptoms come from being exposed to an irritant and may include irritated eyes, headache, tightness in the throat, post-nasal drip and feeling bad, in general. These complaints are not always long-lasting and tend to go away with less exposure to them, she said.

Can a work environment cause an allergic reaction?

To many employees, the workplace can be a source of irritation — for reasons other than their boss, co-workers or paychecks. Something in your physical surroundings may act as an irritant that triggers an allergic reaction or asthmatic symptoms in susceptible workers. Of course,…