What is the normal running speed of the EKG paper?

What is the normal running speed of the EKG paper?

The standard paper speed is 25mm/sec: 1mm (small square) = 0.04 sec (40ms) 5mm (large square) = 0.2 sec (200ms)

What is the default gain or sensitivity on ECG?

The standard gain setting used when recording a 12-lead ECG is 10 mm = 1 mV. This setting must be used when the amplitude of ECG components, such as R wave height and ST segment deviation, are measured manually (parameters calculated automatically take the gain setting into account).

What is the sensitivity of an EKG for acute inferior MI?

An ST-segment elevation of at least 1mm in lead V4R in patients with acute inferior MI has a sensitivity of 100 percent, a specificity of 87 percent, and a predictive accuracy of 92 percent for the diagnosis of right ventricular infarction (fig. 94-8 ).

What should the heart rate be on an EKG?

Basic EKG interpretation 1. Heart rate: The standard paper speed is 25 mm (5 large squares)/sec. This means that if the interval between two beats (R-R) is 5 large squares, the HR is 60 beat/min.

What is the standard calibration for an ECG?

ECG Calibration meets this requirement. Standard calibration of the ECG is 10mm/mV. At this calibration, 1 miliVolt calibration signal is expected to produce a rectangle of 10 mm height and 5 mm width.

What are the criteria for sinus rhythm EKG?

Sinus rhythm requires ALL of the following 3 criteria: 1 One P wave preceding each QRS complex 2 All P waves should be uniform in shape 3 Normal P wave axis is in the left lower quadrant (0-90 degrees), i.e. upright in both lead I and aVF (unless there is dextrocardia)

Basic EKG interpretation 1. Heart rate: The standard paper speed is 25 mm (5 large squares)/sec. This means that if the interval between two beats (R-R) is 5 large squares, the HR is 60 beat/min.

What to look for before reading an EKG?

Before you read the EKG, look for: 1 Patient age: as many values change with age 2 Standardization: full standard is two large squares (1 mV, 10 mm) and half standard is one large square (0.5mV, 5 mm) 3 Paper speed: the standard is 25 mm/sec, the faster the paper speed the slower the HR will look and vice versa

What are the characteristics of a normal ECG?

The Normal ECG. The normal ECG will display these characteristics: Rhythm <10% variation in RR intervals) Rate 60- 99bpm. Cardiac Axis -30° – 90°. P Waves 0.2-0.3mV. 0.06 – 0.12s Upright in I, II, aVF, V2- V6. Inverted in aVR.

Sinus rhythm requires ALL of the following 3 criteria: 1 One P wave preceding each QRS complex 2 All P waves should be uniform in shape 3 Normal P wave axis is in the left lower quadrant (0-90 degrees), i.e. upright in both lead I and aVF (unless there is dextrocardia)