What is the life expectancy in Belgium 2019?

What is the life expectancy in Belgium 2019?

81.8 years
The life expectancy of the Belgian population is 81.8 years in 2019. In 2019, life expectancy at birth in Belgium was 81.8 years for the total population, 84.0 years for women and 79.6 years for men.

What is the life expectancy in Belgium 2020?

Life expectancy at age 65 in Belgium from 2012 to 2022, by gender

Characteristic Male Female
2020* 18.37 21.41
2019 18.22 21.31
2018 18.1 21.23
2017 17.94 21.14

What nationality has the lowest life expectancy?

Central African Republic
The inequality of life expectancy is still very large across and within countries. in 2019 the country with the lowest life expectancy is the Central African Republic with 53 years, in Japan life expectancy is 30 years longer.

Is healthcare free in Belgium?

As public healthcare in Belgium is subsidized rather than free, many residents choose to take out a private insurance policy to top up their state coverage, as well as give them access to private healthcare treatment.

What is the infant mortality rate in Belgium?

about 2.7 deaths per 1,000 live births
Infant mortality rate in Belgium 2019 In 2019, the infant mortality rate in Belgium was at about 2.7 deaths per 1,000 live births.

Who lives the longest on earth?

According to this criterion, the longest human lifespan is that of Jeanne Calment of France (1875–1997), who lived to age 122 years and 164 days. She supposedly met Vincent van Gogh when she was 12 or 13.

Is Belgium cheap to live?

The cost of living in Belgium is relatively high but still considered affordable, including the cost of living in Brussels, when compared to some of its neighbors. Though the cost of living in Belgium is definitely up there, it is nowhere near as expensive as some other western European countries.

Is there an increase in life expectancy in Belgium?

This is what emerged from an analysis of the mortality figures carried out by Statbel, the Belgian statistical office, for the year 2019, a period where there was no COVID19 crisis yet. Compared to 2018, life expectancy at birth has increased by 0.3 years for the total population.

What’s the life expectancy in Flanders in Belgium?

In Flanders, life expectancy at birth (82.7 years) is higher than in Brussels (81.6 years) and in Wallonia (80.3 years). Life expectancy has increased the most in the Walloon Region, by 150 days (+0.41 years). The increase amounts to 128 days (+0.35 years) in Flanders and to 22 days (+0.06 years) in the Brussels-Capital Region.

Where is the best quality of life in Belgium?

More people report being in good health in Flanders (78.5%) and Brussels (78.4%) than in Wallonia (74.0%). Finally, there is an important socio-economic gradient, with the proportion of people reporting to be in good health increasing as the socio-economic status increases.

Which is the country with the highest life expectancy?

Hong Kong is a territory with the world’s highest life expectancy according to the Hong Kong Department of Health, whose life expectancy reached 84.0 years in 2015 (with men at 81.2 years and women at 87.3 years) surpassing Japan’s 83.7 years.

What is the life expectancy of women in Belgium?

Belgium is however ranking quite poor among the EU-15 countries. Life expectancy among women is 84.0 years while it is only 79.6 years among men. The gender gap (4.4 years) persists, but has decreased over time: it was for instance 6.3 years in 2000.

More people report being in good health in Flanders (78.5%) and Brussels (78.4%) than in Wallonia (74.0%). Finally, there is an important socio-economic gradient, with the proportion of people reporting to be in good health increasing as the socio-economic status increases.

What’s the difference between life expectancy in Flanders and Wallonia?

In the Brussels-Capital Region, the increase is very limited (22 days, +0.06 years), with life expectancy at birth stagnating for men (-0.01 years). The higher the life expectancy at birth, the smaller the difference between men and women: in Flanders the difference is 4.1 years, in the Brussels-Capital Region 4.8 years and in Wallonia 5.1 years.

What’s the average life expectancy in the world?

In 2019, worldwide human life expectancy at birth was of 70 years for men and 75 years for women. However, comparing life expectancy between several countries can be tricky. Indeed, one country could have a rather high life expectancy at birth when another could have a rather low expectancy.