What is the best treatment for trigger points?

What is the best treatment for trigger points?

Various modalities, such as the Spray and Stretch technique, ultrasonography, manipulative therapy and injection, are used to inactivate trigger points. Trigger-point injection has been shown to be one of the most effective treatment modalities to inactivate trigger points and provide prompt relief of symptoms.

How are trigger points activated?

Activation of trigger points may be caused by a number of factors, including acute or chronic muscle overload, activation by other trigger points (key/satellite, primary/secondary), disease, psychological distress (via systemic inflammation), homeostatic imbalances, direct trauma to the region, collision trauma (such …

What can occur on direct pressure being placed on a trigger point?

When muscles are stressed or injured, they often form tender “trigger points” that feel like dense tight knots in the muscle tissue. Pressure on a trigger point causes the muscle fibers to shorten and be painful to the touch. And this can send “referred pain” radiating out to other areas of the body.

How do I keep trigger points from returning?

Post-TPI: How to Prevent Your Trigger Points from Returning

  1. Diet.
  2. Exercise.
  3. Massage.
  4. Stretch/posture breaks.

Which is an example of a trigger point massage?

For example, a trigger point in the back that’s inflamed can trigger severe pain in the shoulder. To perform a pressure point massage, the massage therapist applies firm pressure with a finger, elbow, or implement, focusing on specific trigger points (often located far away from the area affected by pain) that are painful when pressed.

What happens when pressure is applied to a trigger point?

When pressure is applied to the Trigger Point, the chemical/pressure cycle is interrupted, which helps to stop the contraction and the pain in the muscle. Additionally, the muscle is heated and kneaded during treatment, which helps to increase circulation and to remove the metabolic waste products.

Which is the best way to relieve a trigger point?

A point on the right side of your body has a corresponding point on the left side. Normally the most tender of these parallel points or muscles will be on the same side that’s painful. Pressure applied to this side will usually give the most relief. For best results, however, pay equal attention to points on both sides of your body. 1

Which is the best pressure point therapy tool?

The Pressure Pointer is the best tool available for self-applied Trigger Point therapy! TRIGGER POINT THERAPY TRIGGER POINTS Trigger Point Therapy Can Be Used To Help You With These Common Conditions: • MIGRAINES • TENSION HEADACHE • NECK AND JAW PAIN • UPPER BACK PAIN • BURNING BETWEEN SHOULDERS • THORACIC OUTLET SYNDROME • FROZEN SHOULDER

When pressure is applied to the Trigger Point, the chemical/pressure cycle is interrupted, which helps to stop the contraction and the pain in the muscle. Additionally, the muscle is heated and kneaded during treatment, which helps to increase circulation and to remove the metabolic waste products.

What are trigger points for muscle spasms and pain?

Trigger points are involuntary tight tender spots in a contracted muscle. This creates pain and dysfunction within the muscle. They are in parts of the muscle where there is decreased circulation, increased muscle contraction, spasm and increased nerve sensitivity causing a sharp pain or a constant ache.

Why do you use a massage ball on trigger points?

Why this technique – The goal of a massage ball is to apply pressure to a trigger point by essentially trapping it between your body and something else, such as the wall or floor. The point of using the ball is to reach spots that you’re unable to get to with your hands, or with other tools and is most useful on trigger points in the back and hips.