What is the best natural remedy for sinus infection?

What is the best natural remedy for sinus infection?

Home remedies

  • Nasal irrigation. Use a Neti pot or a small bulb syringe to flush out your nasal passages.
  • Steam therapy. Try taking a hot shower and breathe in the steam to help open up your sinus passages.
  • Drink water.
  • Warm compress.
  • Rest.
  • Sleep while elevated.
  • Use a humidifier.

Can Homeopathy treat chronic sinusitis?

Acute or chronic – Homeopathy can help Whether you are dealing with acute sinus symptoms as part of a cough or cold or more chronic sinusitis homeopathic remedies can help you feel better – gently, quickly and with no side effects. Acute sinusitis can often come on as part of a lingering cold or infection.

Which is the best homeopathic medicine for sinusitis?


  • Hepar sulphuricum . For the later stages of sinus inflammation when the pain is concentrated between the eyes and is worsened by cold or motion; nasal discharge tends to be thick and the individual may experience sensitivity of the scalp.
  • Kali bichromicum .
  • Mercurius .
  • Pulsatilla .
  • Silicea .
  • Spigelia .

How to get rid of a sinus infection with homeopathy?

Get rid of an infection in sinus is not difficult with Homeopathic treatment. Moreover, Homeopathic remedies cure your sinus infection permanently. Homeopathic medicines like kalium Bichromicum, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Asafoetida, Manganum, Mercurius Iodatum Rubrum and Phillandrinum Aquaticum are useful to get rid of your sinus infection in 24 hours.

How to get rid of sinus infection in 24 hours?

Moreover, Homeopathic remedies cure your sinus infection permanently. Homeopathic medicines like kalium Bichromicum, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Asafoetida, Manganum, Mercurius Iodatum Rubrum and Phillandrinum Aquaticum are useful to get rid of your sinus infection in 24 hours.

Are there any home remedies for a sinus headache?

Sinus Headache Natural Remedies will ease away the congestion, pressure that will relieve your sinus headache. Regular OTC pain medicines like Naproxen (Aleve), Ibuprofen (Advil) or Acetaminophen (Tylenol) won’t touch a sinus headache. Colloidal Silver (pictured above) helps really well for sinusitis relief.

Which is the best medicine for a sinus infection?

Belladonna is also ideal when a sinusitis patient complains of violent headache. The person may get relief from migraine by binding the head tightly or applying pressure. The face may look like swollen with a heated sensation.

What is the best medication for a sinus infection?

If you experience pain and pressure during a sinus infection, it might be best to use a medication that includes an analgesic, like acetaminophen or ibuprofen, which works to relieve pain and inflammation.

How to heal sinus infection with natural products?

Home Remedies for Sinus Infection Essential Oils. Essential oils like pure peppermint oil can be used to cure a sinus infection naturally. Neti Pot. Neti pot is an apparatus that is degined to help clear a blocked nose effectively, almost instantly. Grapefruit Seed Extract Nasal Spray. Steam Inhalation. Horseradish. Keep Yourself Hydrated. Cayenne Pepper. Turmeric or Ginger root.

What is the best natural sinus medicine?

Quercetin is a natural plant component found in everything from onions and apples to green tea and red wine. Like many plant ingredients, it is an antioxidant. For sinus problems, quercetin has also been found to stabilize the cells in the body that release histamine – the chemical that stimulates mucus secretion in the sinuses.

Will my sinus infection clear up on its own?

Treatment for sinus infections can vary depending on the cause and severity of the condition. The worst cases may need surgery, while some infections need antibiotics or steroids. Fortunately, most sinus infections are mild and clear up on their own. Most sinus infections clear up on their own after about a week.