What is plant disease and example?

What is plant disease and example?

Here are a few examples of common signs and symptoms of fungal, bacterial and viral plant diseases: Fungal disease signs: Leaf rust (common leaf rust in corn) Stem rust (wheat stem rust) Sclerotinia (white mold)

What is the meaning of crop diseases?

Crop disease involves any harmful deviation or alteration from the normal functioning of the physiological processes. Therefore, diseased plants suffer disturbances from normal life processes and their vital functions.

What are the diseases caused in plants?


  • aster yellows.
  • bacterial wilt.
  • blight. fire blight. rice bacterial blight.
  • canker.
  • crown gall.
  • rot. basal rot.
  • scab.

    What are the importance of plant diseases?

    Plant diseases are a normal part of nature and one of many ecological factors that help keep the hundreds of thousands of living plants and animals in balance with one another. Plant cells contain special signaling pathways that enhance their defenses against insects, animals, and pathogens.

    How do you identify a leaf disease?

    Symptoms of bacterial leaf spot If weather conditions remain favorable for disease, some bacterial leaf spots will grow together creating large black blotches on leaves or turning leaves completely black. Shoots, buds and flowers can also become black and blighted by bacterial leaf spot pathogens.

    Which is the plant disease caused by microorganisms?


    Viruses Bacteria Fungi
    Tobacco mosaic virus Pseudomonas syringae Magnaporthe oryzae
    Tomato spotted wilt virus Ralstonia solanacearum Botrytis cinerea
    Tomato yellow leaf curl virus Agrobacterium tumefaciens Puccinia spp.
    Cucumber mosaic virus Xanthomonas oryzae Fusarium graminearum

    Why do we need to study the importance of plant diseases?

    Importance of Plant Diseases The study of plant diseases is important as they cause loss to the plant as well as plant produce. The various types of losses occur in the field, in storage or any time between sowing and consumption of produce. The diseases are responsible for direct monitory loss and material loss.

    What kind of disease does a plant have?

    plant disease. the disruption of normal growth and metabolism in plants leading to reduced viability and even death. Plant diseases may begin with physical attack of the plant by pests such as insects, slugs, mites, birds and other animals, some of which may be VECTORS of plant PATHOGENS.

    What kind of disease is caused by living organisms?

    Biotic or infectious diseases: These diseases are caused by living organisms. They are called plant pathogens when they infect plants. For the purposes of discussing plant pathology, only plant disease pathogens will be discussed.

    What causes pests and diseases to die out?

    Planting later can cause most of the pests or diseases to die out for lack of food. Plant a variety of crops and change crop patterns. Large areas with only 1 kind of plant attract pests who like that plant. Water from below. Watering from above can cause diseases that live in soil to splash onto plants.

    What kind of disease does a tree have?

    Horticulturalists often have to deal with cankers. This fungal plant disease affects woody stems and attacks stone fruits, spruces, and poplars. To control this disease, horticulturalists should cut off the affected branches to keep the canker contained and protect the rest of the plant. Another common plant disease is mold.

    What are the different types of diseases occur in plants?

    10 Common Plant Diseases (and How to Treat Them) Powdery Mildew. Problem: Powdery mildew leaves a telltale white dusty coating on leaves, stems and flowers. Downy Mildew. Black Spot. Mosaic Virus. Damping-Off Disease. Fusarium Wilt. Verticillium Wilt. Sooty Mold. Snow Mold. Rust

    What does plant disease mean?

    plant disease – a disease that affects plants. disease – an impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning. blight – any plant disease resulting in withering without rotting. leaf disease – any plant disease localized in the foliage.

    What is crop disease?

    Crop diseases. Plant diseases are a significant yield and quality constraint for growers of broadacre crops in Western Australia. Plant pathogens can be fungal, bacterial, viral or nematodes and can damage plant parts above or below the ground.