What is meant by fertility Fetundity and sterility?

What is meant by fertility Fetundity and sterility?

A lack of fertility is infertility while a lack of fecundity would be called sterility. Fecundity can increase or decrease in a population according to current conditions and certain social factors.

What is difference between fertility and fecundity?

Fertility is the number of children born to a woman, while fecundity is her physiological potential to bear children.

What is the fecundity of humans?

They define fecundity as (1) the possibility of becoming pregnant or (2) the likelihood of exposure to being pregnant, which is essentially dependent on the sexual pattern and preventive measures being taken. In humans, the fecundity is reflective of the duration between female menarche and menopause.

What are the causes of subfertility?

Common causes of subfertility include ovulatory disorders, tubal disease, peritoneal adhesions, endometriosis, uterine abnormalities, abnormalities of sperm and advancing female age. Infertility is unexplained after thorough evaluation in about 5-10% of cases.

What factors affect fecundity?

Fecundity and egg production are affected by several factors, including environmental variations, food availability, breeding season duration, and spawning frequencies (Vazzoler, 1996).

How do you calculate fecundity?

The age-specific fecundity (mx) is calculated as the average number of offspring per female in age-class x. The sum of this column tracks the reproductive output of a hypothetical female that lives to the maximum observed age. This sum is called the gross reprouctive ratio (GRR).

What is the root word of fecundity?

The word fecund comes from the Latin word fecundus, meaning fruitful. But the English word does not just describe something or someone fertile, the adjective fecund can also be used to describe someone who is innovative or highly intellectually productive.

What is the example of fecundity?

Examples: As an artist, she gets most of her inspiration from nature; her daily walks in the woods are a fecund source of ideas. Did you know? Fecund and its synonyms fruitful and fertile all mean producing or capable of producing offspring or fruit, literally or figuratively.

Does folic acid increase fertility?

“Folate supplementation prior to conception has been associated with a greater chance for getting pregnant, improved success with fertility treatments, and reduced risk of neural tube defects in the baby,” says Low Dog. “Though, more testing is needed.” For pregnant women, the RDA of folic acid is 600 micrograms (mcg).

What are three specific health factors that affect fecundity?

A number of lifestyle factors affect fertility in women, in men, or in both. These include but are not limited to nutrition, weight, and exercise; physical and psychological stress; environmental and occupational exposures; substance and drug use and abuse; and medications.

What are the three ways of estimation of fecundity?

There are several methods for the estimation of fecundity of fish. These are (a) Volumetric method, (b) Gravimetric method and (c) Von Vayer method (Lagler, 1956). Volumetric method and Von Vayer method have been found to be suitable for relatively large eggs.

Which is the best definition of the word fecundity?

noun the quality of being fecund; capacity, especially in female animals, of producing young in great numbers. fruitfulness or fertility, as of the earth. the capacity of abundant production: fecundity of imagination.

What is the medical definition of subfertilities?

plural subfertilities Medical Definition of subfertility : the condition of being less than normally fertile though still capable of effecting fertilization Other Words from subfertility

What’s the difference between fecundity and sterility?

In a population, fecundity is the number of offspring produced per mating season. Thus, this determines how healthy the mating couple is to produce offspring. Also, fecundity suggests the possible potential of a population to reproduce and determines the healthy survival of species. ‘ Sterility ‘ defines the absence of fecundity in an organism.

How is fecundity related to the number of offspring produced?

Thus, fecundity depends on the genetics of an individual and environmental factors. In a population, fecundity is the number of offspring produced per mating season. Thus, this determines how healthy the mating couple is to produce offspring.