What is diastolic and systolic pressure?

What is diastolic and systolic pressure?

The first number, called systolic blood pressure, measures the pressure in your arteries when your heart beats. The second number, called diastolic blood pressure, measures the pressure in your arteries when your heart rests between beats.

What’s the difference between diastolic and systolic pulse pressure?

Pulse pressure is the difference between your systolic blood pressure, which is the top number of your blood pressure reading, and diastolic blood pressure, which is the bottom number.

What’s the average systolic blood pressure for an adult?

Systolic blood pressure. Definition. The pressure which is exerted on the walls of the arteries. The amount of pressure exerts on the arteries and blood vessels. Average Range. In infants–65 mm Hg. In adults– 60-80 mmHg. Age 6 – 9 — 65 mmHg.

What is the systolic pressure for Stage 2 hypertension?

Stage 2 Hypertension if the diastolic reading is 100 mmHg and systolic reading is 160 mmHg In the past, more attention was paid to diastolic pressure but it is now recognized that both high systolic pressure and high pulse pressure (the numerical difference between systolic and diastolic pressures) are risk factors.

What’s the difference between normal and high blood pressure?

Your blood pressure may be normal, high, or low. High blood pressure is also referred to as hypertension, and low blood pressure is called hypotension. The American Heart Association describes the different blood pressure ranges for adults as: Normal: less than 120 systolic and 80 diastolic.

Can diastolic pressure ever be higher than systolic?

Systolic is the higher number; pressure when the heart beats. Diastolic is the lower pressure, when the heart rests between beats. Our lecturer said that in some really unusual cases, diastolic can be greater than systolic.

Which is more dangerous systolic or diastolic?

In a blood pressure reading, systolic pressure is the top number and diastolic pressure is the bottom number. People with higher systolic blood pressure had a greater risk of bleeding strokes and stable angina (chest pain), while those with higher diastolic blood pressure were more likely to be diagnosed with an abdominal aortic aneurysm.

What are the different ways to reduce systolic blood pressure?

Natural Ways to Lower High Blood Pressure Have a Healthy Diet. Foods containing high amounts of cholesterol like egg yolk, liver, kidney, lobster, and fatty, processed foods (fast food, cheese, butter) increase blood pressure as the excess Exercise Regularly. Lose Weight. Reduce Stress. Curb Alcohol Consumption & Smoking.

What are the dangers of high diastolic pressure?

High diastolic pressure can indicate increased risk of chest pain, heart attack and heart failure, particularly diastolic heart failure. It can also cause damage to organs like kidneys, eyes, blood vessels and increase chances of hemorrhage and stroke.