What forms the flexible part of the nasal septum?

What forms the flexible part of the nasal septum?

A&P lab9 assessmentB

Question Answer
Forms the flexible part of the nasal septum and ends of long bones Hyaline cartilage
Pads between vertebrae that are shock absorbers Fibrocartilage
Main tissue of dermis Bone
Occurs in some ligament attachments between vertebrae and larger artery walls Elastic connective

What forms soft part of nose?

The soft tissue components of the nose include skin, muscles, nerves, and vascular tissues. Beneath the dermis lies the superficial fatty panniculus, and under the panniculus is a fibromuscular layer.

What forms the supporting rings of the respiratory passages?

Rings of cartilage, similar to those of the trachea, support the structure of the bronchi and prevent their collapse.

What tissue forms the ends of many long bones?

The ends of epiphyses are covered with hyaline cartilage (“articular cartilage”). The longitudinal growth of long bones is a result of endochondral ossification at the epiphyseal plate.

What matrix contains collagen and mineral salts?

Bone, or osseous tissue, is a connective tissue that constitutes the endoskeleton. It contains specialized cells and a matrix of mineral salts and collagen fibers. The mineral salts primarily include hydroxyapatite, a mineral formed from calcium phosphate.

Where is the soft part of your nose?

Other areas of soft tissue are found where there is no support from cartilage; these include an area around the sides of the septum – the paraseptal area –, an area around the lateral cartilages, an area at the top of the nostril, and an area in the alae.

What type of connective tissue forms the supporting rings of the respiratory passages and the tip of your nose?

Connective Tissues Hyaline cartilage provides mechanical support for the respiratory tree, nose, articular surfaces, and developing bones. Elastic cartilage has abundant elastic fibers in addition to collagen, making the matrix much more elastic than hyaline cartilage.

Are flat bones spongy or compact?

Flat bones are made up of a layer of spongy bone between two thin layers of compact bone. They have a flat shape, not rounded. Examples include the skull and rib bones. Flat bones have marrow, but they do not have a bone marrow cavity.

Are the bones as solid and hard at the ends as in the middle of the shaft?

The shaft walls are made of compact hard bone, and thickest in the middle where forces are greatest. Towards the ends of the shaft the marrow cavity tends to be wider and filled with trabecular bone, arranged along lines of force which has a skeletal function in its own right and supports the marrow.

What makes up the front of the nasal septum?

The movable and flexible part at the front of the nasal septum is made up of cartilage. The nasal septum is supported by two bones, the ethmoid bone on top and the vomer bone sitting behind the cartilage and ethmoid bone. The tip of the maxillary bone, palatine bone, and other soft tissues support the nasal septum.

How big is the blade of the nasal septum?

To get more familiar with this disorder, we get to know the structure of the septum. The nasal septum is a very narrow blade that separates two nostrils and has 1 to 2mm thickness in different parts.

When to use septoplasty to straighten a nasal septum?

Septoplasty is a corrective surgical procedure done to straighten a deviated nasal septum. In the case of the following symptoms, the patient can use septoplasty: The most typical reason for septoplasty is when the patient cannot breathe comfortably on one or both sides of the nose.

When does a nasal septum become deviated?

A deviated nasal septum can develop during fetal development, birth, or later in life. Deviated nasal septum deformities can largely be classified into two types— cartilaginous and combined septal deformity: In cartilaginous septal deformity, the bend or deviation in the septum can be observed only in the front (anterior) cartilage.