What does it mean when you have muscle jerks?

What does it mean when you have muscle jerks?

Myoclonus is the medical term for a sudden jerking of a muscle or group of muscles. This is involuntary — the person is not in control of the movement. Muscle jerks can happen at random or in response to a trigger. They may repeat in a pattern.

Can a muscle jerk be a side effect of medication?

A person may experience myoclonus as a side effect of medication. Myoclonus is the medical term for a sudden jerking of a muscle or group of muscles. This is involuntary — the person is not in control of the movement. Muscle jerks can happen at random or in response to a trigger.

What causes muscle jerks after a head injury?

Symptomatic (secondary) myoclonus. Muscle jerks that occur as a result of an underlying medical condition, including: Head or spinal cord injury. Infection. Kidney or liver failure. Lipid storage disease. Chemical or drug poisoning.

What causes myoclonic twitches and jerks in sleep?

These myoclonic twitches, jerks, or seizures are usually caused by sudden muscle contractions (positive myoclonus) or brief lapses of contraction (negative myoclonus). The most common circumstance under which they occur is while falling asleep (hypnic jerk).

Does myoclonus go away?

Sleep myoclonus is common during the first week of a newborn’s life and usually resolves within a year. Commonly referred to as benign neonatal sleep myoclonus, there are no inherent consequences to the condition or reasons for concern.

Why are my muscles randomly twitching?

There are various reasons a muscle may twitch at random. Often, a person isn’t even aware when this happens. Benign causes include after exercising, too much coffee, stress, anxiety and trouble sleeping.

What is the best medicine for myoclonus?

Drugs used to control epileptic seizures have also proved helpful in reducing myoclonus symptoms. The most common anticonvulsants used for myoclonus are levetiracetam (Keppra, Roweepra, Spritam), valproic acid (Depakene) and primidone (Mysoline).

What medications cause myoclonic jerks?

The most frequently reported classes of drugs causing myoclonus include opiates, antidepressants, antipsychotics, and antibiotics.