What does homeostasis literally mean?

What does homeostasis literally mean?

Homeostasis, from the Greek words for “same” and “steady,” refers to any process that living things use to actively maintain fairly stable conditions necessary for survival.

What does the term homeostasis mean quizlet?

Define Homeostasis. A tendency to maintain a balanced or constant internal state; the regulation of any aspect of body chemistry, such as blood glucose, around a particular level.

What does the term homeostasis mean for kids?

balance or equilibrium
Homeostasis means balance or equilibrium. It is the ability to maintain internal stability in an organism to compensate for environmental changes.

What is homeostasis and what is an example of it?

Homeostasis is the ability to maintain internal stability in an organism in response to the environmental changes. The internal temperature of the human body is the best example of homeostasis.

What are three things about homeostasis?

1 Answer

  • Temperature. The body must maintain a relatively constant temperature.
  • Glucose. The body must regulate glucose levels to stay healthy.
  • Toxins. Toxins in the blood can disrupt the body’s homeostasis.
  • Blood Pressure. The body must maintain healthy levels of blood pressure.
  • pH.

Which is the best definition of the term homeostasis?

The ability of a system or living organism to adjust its internal environment to maintain a stable equilibrium; such as the ability of warm-blooded animals to maintain a constant temperature. Such a dynamic equilibrium or balance. Origin: Coined from ὅμος + ιστημι/stasis (from στάσις) by .

How does homeostasis help to maintain a stable environment?

Furthermore, homeostasis is a self-regulating process that regulates internal variables necessary to sustain life. In other words, homeostasis is a mechanism that maintains a stable internal environment despite the changes present in the external environment.

Which is an example of homeostasis in GCSE Biology?

GCSE Homeostasis Homeostasis is the regulation of conditions in the body such as temperature, water content and carbon dioxide levels. Diabetes is a condition where the body cannot regulate its blood glucose levels. Part of Biology (Single Science)

What happens when the homeostasis of an organism fails?

Homeostasis Breakdown. The failure of homeostasis function in an internal environment will result in illnesses or diseases. In severe cases, it can even lead to death and disability. Many factors can affect homeostasis. The most common are: Genetics. Physical condition. Diet and nutrition. Venoms and toxins.

What is homeostasis best described as?

Homeostasis is defined as a state of equilibrium or balance. In a living organism, each kind of specialized cells are designed in such a way that they work independently to perform the specific functions assigned to them.

What does the name homeostasis mean?

Homeostasis is an almost exclusively biological term , referring to the concepts described by Bernard and Cannon, concerning the constancy of the internal environment in which the cells of the body live and survive .

What is homeostasis in your own words?

Definition of homeostasis. : a relatively stable state of equilibrium or a tendency toward such a state between the different but interdependent elements or groups of elements of an organism, population, or group striving to achieve homeostasis. Other Words from homeostasis More Example Sentences Learn More about homeostasis.

What are some examples of homeostasis?

Homeostasis is the characteristic of an organism to regulate its internal conditions. An example is the body regulating its internal temperature by shivering or sweating. Homeostasis is the maintenance of equilibrium within an internal environment in response to external changes.