What causes hypotension and hypertension?

What causes hypotension and hypertension?

Postural hypotension occurs most frequently in people who are taking drugs to control high blood pressure (hypertension). It can also be related to pregnancy, strong emotions, hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), or diabetes.

What’s the difference between high blood pressure and hypotension?

Hypertension vs Hypotension. People confuse hypertension and hypotension simply because they sound similar. But, hypotension is low blood pressure and hypertension is high blood pressure.

When does your blood pressure drop to hypotension?

Blood pressure lower than 90/60mm hg is referred to as low blood pressure or hypotension. Normally blood pressure fluctuates greatly during a day. It lowers when a person is sleeping and rises when he or she awakes. The blood pressure also varies with the emotions an individual experiences during the day.

What are the symptoms of high blood pressure?

Defining Hypertension and its Symptoms. Definition: Blood pressure reading of 130/80 or higher. Also known as high blood pressure, hypertension is when too much blood is being pumped into your arteries which can cause life-threatening conditions like heart disease and stroke.

What does it mean when your blood pressure is low?

Hypotension, or low blood pressure, means blood is not fully flowing to your brain, arteries, and organs. Chronic low blood pressure without symptoms is almost never cause for concern, unless blood pressure drops suddenly and the brain is deprived of adequate blood supply. This can lead to dizziness or lightheadedness.

Which is worse hypotension or hypertension?

If we exclude the extreme cases of both conditions, mild hypotension is still worse than mild hypertension, because the latter is usually asymptomatic, whereas the former can cause symptoms like fatigue that significantly affect one’s quality of life. This answer originally appeared on this Quora question on Hypertension.

What are the risk factors for developing hypertension?

Risk factors for developing hypertension include excessive sodium intake, low potassium intake, excessive alcohol intake, lack of exercise, smoking, stress, family history, age (>55 for men, >65 for women), and obesity ( BMI >30kg/m2).

Can you have both hypertension and hypotension?

Well yes, both hypertension and hypotension show signs of their arrival. But it isn’t possible to identify them unless your case is severe. Both high blood pressure and low blood pressure include certain common symptoms, but the contrast of Hypertension vs hypotension also comes into picture.

What are the most common hypertension side effects?

Some of the most common hypertension side effects include headaches, difficulty with coordination and balance, and light-headedness. Vision problems can sometimes manifest as side effects from high blood pressure. In severe hypertension, tremors or shakiness may also occur. Hypertension side effects can range from mild to severe.