What are the physiological effects of diabetes?

What are the physiological effects of diabetes?

When undiagnosed or uncontrolled, the effects of diabetes on the body can be noticed by the classic symptoms of diabetes, namely:

  • Increased thirst.
  • Frequent need to urinate.
  • Fatigue.
  • Blurred vision and Tingling or pain in the hands, feet and/or legs.

    What other diseases are caused by diabetes?

    Possible complications include:

    • Cardiovascular disease.
    • Nerve damage (neuropathy).
    • Kidney damage (nephropathy).
    • Eye damage (retinopathy).
    • Foot damage.
    • Skin conditions.
    • Hearing impairment.
    • Alzheimer’s disease.

    Why is diabetes a physiological disease?

    Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Blood glucose is your main source of energy and comes from the food you eat. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps glucose from food get into your cells to be used for energy.

    What are the physiological effects of type 2 diabetes?

    Potential complications of diabetes and frequent comorbidities include: Heart and blood vessel disease. Diabetes is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and narrowing of blood vessels (atherosclerosis). Nerve damage (neuropathy) in limbs.

    Which is an example of a physiological disease?

    Some examples of physiological diseases are asthma, hypertension, diabetes, glaucoma and strokes. Some of the common diseases include Diabetes, Crohn’s Disease and Cardiovascular problems.

    What kind of diseases can be caused by high blood pressure?

    Hypertension is the medical term for chronically high blood pressure. There are many other medical conditions that hypertension can increase the risk of, including heart disease, aneurism and kidney disease. It can even lead to premature death.

    What are the two main types of hypertension?

    Malignant Hypertension – it is a medical emergency! Hypertension is principally classified into two types – primary hypertension and secondary hypertension. Often the reason for high blood pressure is never known, which is when it is classified as primary hypertension, which also known as “ Essential hypertension ”.

    What are the non modifiable risk factors for hypertension?

    Non-modifiable risk factors include a family history of hypertension, age over 65 years and co-existing diseases such as diabetes or kidney disease. What are common symptoms of hypertension?

    What happens if you have type 2 diabetes and hypertension?

    Having type 2 diabetes with hypertension can be a fatal combination. These two conditions combined can put you at greater risk for diseases related to diabetes, such as kidney disease and retinopathy, a disease in the eye blood vessels which can lead to blindness.

    Is there a common pathway between diabetes and hypertension?

    Obesity, inflammation, oxidative stress, and insulin resistance are thought to be the common pathways. Recent advances in the understanding of these pathways have provided new insights and perspectives. Physical activity plays an important protective role in the two diseases.

    Is there a common metabolic syndrome between diabetes and hypertension?

    Diabetes and hypertension share common pathways such as SNS, RAAS, oxidative stress, adipokines, insulin resistance, and PPARs (Fig. 1). These pathways interact and influence each other and may even cause a vicious cycle. Hypertension and diabetes are both end results of the metabolic syndrome.

    How does diabetes affect the pathophysiology of cardiovascular disease?

    Evidence suggests that although hyperglycemia, the hallmark of diabetes, contributes to myocardial damage after ischemic events, it is clearly not the only factor, because both pre-diabetes and the presence of the metabolic syndrome, even in normoglycemic patients, increase the risk of most types of CVD.