What are the five non communicable diseases?

What are the five non communicable diseases?

Non-Communicable Diseases

  • Alzheimer’s.
  • Asthma.
  • Cataracts.
  • Chronic Kidney Disease.
  • Chronic Lung Disease.
  • Diabetes.
  • Fibromyalgia.
  • Heart Disease.

What are the four types of non communicable diseases?

The four main types of noncommunicable diseases are cardiovascular diseases (like heart attacks and stroke), cancers, chronic respiratory diseases (such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma) and diabetes.

Which is a noninfectious disease that cannot be spread?

A noncommunicable disease is a noninfectious health condition that cannot be spread from person to person. It also lasts for a long period of time. This is also known as a chronic disease.

What is the difference between infectious and communicable diseases?

On the basis of communicability, diseases are categorized into communicable or infectious disease and non-communicable or non-infectious disease. Infectious disease is caused by certain microorganisms called pathogens and leads to infections.

Which is the leading communicable disease in the world?

Unhealthy diets and a lack of physical activity may show up in people as raised blood pressure, increased blood glucose, elevated blood lipids and obesity. These are called metabolic risk factors that can lead to cardiovascular disease, the leading NCD in terms of premature deaths.

What are examples of noncommunicable diseases?

A non-communicable disease is a term used to refer to diseases that are not contagious. The term is used to differentiate these diseases from other diseases that may be transmitted to other hosts. Examples of non-communicable disease are cancer, heart disease, and allergies.

What causes non contagious diseases?

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are disease processes that are not contagious or transferable from one human to another. Random genetic abnormalities, heredity, lifestyle or environment can cause non-communicable diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, asthma, hypertension and osteoporosis.

How do you prevent non communicable diseases?

Eating a high fiber diet can reduce the risk of non-communicable disease. Adding fiber-rich foods such as whole grains, pulses, fruits, and vegetables to your diet can lower your body weight and bad cholesterol levels, thereby protecting against NCDs.

What does non-communicable disease stand for?

A non-communicable disease, or NCD, is a medical condition or disease, which by definition is non-infectious and non-transmissible among people. NCDs may be chronic diseases of long duration and slow progression, or they may result in more rapid death such as some types of sudden stroke.