What are some of the most important advancements that occurred in Southwest Asia in ancient times?

What are some of the most important advancements that occurred in Southwest Asia in ancient times?


  • When food became plentiful, people took other jobs like toolmaking, basket weaving and record keeping.
  • Grew villages into powerful cities with their own government and military forces.
  • Had the world’s first civilizations.
  • Built huge pyramid-shaped temple towers.
  • Advanced in math, astronomy, government & law.
  • What makes Southwest Asia so important to the world?

    Two of the most important natural resources found in Southwest Asia are natural gas and oil. These two resources bring wealth into the region because they are needed for much of the world’s economy. The Southwest Asian countries with the greatest reserves of natural gas and oil are Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, and Kuwait.

    What are the 3 resources in Southwest Asia?

    o SW Asia: Rich in petroleum—used to make oil—largely around Persian Gulf area. o Natural gas—flammable gas found naturally underground and used for fuel—largely around Persian Gulf area. o Coal & iron ore—found in Turkey & Iran. o Phosphates—mineral salts used to make fertilizer— mined in Jordan, Syria, & Israel.

    Who contributed in the development of science in Asia?

    Science and technology in Asia is varied depending on the country and time. In the past, the Asian civilizations most notable for their contributions to science and technology were India, China and the West Asian civilizations.

    What is the most important economic activity in Southwest Asia?

    Most important in the region is oil (petroleum)

  • Most exports of the region are primary products.
  • Other primary products include cotton, fish, natural gas, and coal.

    How has tectonic activity helped shape landforms in Southwest Asia?

    How has tectonic activity—that is, movement of Earth’s crustal plates—helped shape land forms in Southwest Asia? It has shaped many land forms unique and in different shapes and sizes. In what parts of Southwest Asia could farmers grow crops without irrigation?

    Why is oil so important in Southwest Asia?

    crude oil reserves lie under Southwest Asia. are known deposits that can be pumped to the surface at a reasonable cost. Developed countries depend on oil to meet most of their energy needs. Oil is used for transportation, power plants, and even as a raw material for plastics, medicines, and other goods.

    How does oil affect Southwest Asia?

    Oil has an amazing affect on Southwest Asia because without oil Southwest Asia would be living in poverty. Since there is so much oil people in Southwest Asia have to lower the amount of oil they sell or else bidding would get out of hand.

    What contributions did Asia make to society?

    The Asians made much more things than the Africans such as iron tools, clocks, printing, or paper. We would not be anywhere without paper. We have many uses for paper such as books toilet paper and napkins. Asians made the compass also.

    What is the most significant contribution of Asia to the development of world literature?

    The most significant contribution was opening western world’s eye towards Vedic Literature, Asian spirituality (that is distinctly different and vastly effective than any other prevalent streams), Yoga and meditation, Sanskrit Literature and asian philosophy.

    What are two most common climates in Southwest Asia?

    Southwest Asia is a region of diverse climates and is generally divided into three main climate types: arid, semiarid, and temperate.

    Which ethnic group is the largest in Southwest Asia?

    ❖ Arabs are the largest ethnic group in the Middle East, living throughout North Africa and Southwest Asia.

    Why are people so important in Southwest Asia?

    People are a valuable resource in any nation. Southwest Asian nations are developing their human resources—the skills and talents of their people. Many of those nations also realize that they must invest in all their people, including women. Providing education and technology training is critical.

    Which is the most technologically advanced country in Asia?

    In the past, the Asian civilizations most notable for their contributions to science and technology were India, China and the West Asian civilizations. At present, probably the most notable country in Asia in terms of its technological and scientific achievement is Japan, which is particularly known for its electronics and automobile products.

    Which is an emerging technology in South Asia?

    The rise of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain and autonomous vehicles present interesting opportunities to tackle some of the large-scale systemic challenges in South Asia.

    What was the history of Science and Technology in Asia?