What are slices of a circle called?

What are slices of a circle called?

Slices. There are two main “slices” of a circle: The “pizza” slice is called a Sector. And the Segment, which is cut from the circle by a “chord” (a line between two points on the circle).

What are segments in circles?

Segment (of a Circle) A segment is a region bounded by a chord of a circle and the intercepted arc of the circle. A segment with an intercepted arc less than a semicircle is called a minor segment.

What are the 6 parts of a circle?

Names of parts of a circle

  • Centre.
  • Radius.
  • Diameter.
  • Circumference.
  • Tangent.
  • Secant.
  • Chord.
  • Arc.

What are all the parts of a circle?

Important Circle Parts

  • Radius: The distance from the center of the circle to its outer rim.
  • Chord: A line segment whose endpoints are on a circle.
  • Diameter: A chord that passes through the center of the circle.
  • Secant: A line that intersects a circle in two points.

What is major segment of the circle?

A chord of a circle divides the circle into two regions, which are called the segments of the circle. The major segment is the region bounded by the chord and the major arc intercepted by the chord.

What is the meaning of same segment?

The angles at the circumference subtended by the same arc are equal. More simply, angles in the same segment are equal.

What is the longest chord of the circle?

A chord that passes through the center of a circle is called a diameter and is the longest chord of that specific circle.

What are the two slices of a circle called?

There are two main “slices” of a circle: The “pizza” slice is called a Sector. And the Segment, which is cut from the circle by a “chord” (a line between two points on the circle). Try Them! Drag a point! Drag a point! The Quadrant and Semicircle are two special types of Sector:

What kind of slice is called a sector?

The “pizza” slice is called a Sector. And the Segment, which is cut from the circle by a “chord” (a line between two points on the circle). Try Them! Drag a point! Drag a point! The Quadrant and Semicircle are two special types of Sector: a Semicircle. a Quadrant.

What are the sectors and segments of a circle?

Circle Sector and Segment. Slices. There are two main “slices” of a circle: The “pizza” slice is called a Sector. And the Segment, which is cut from the circle by a “chord” (a line between two points on the circle).

Which is the best synonym for the Word Slice?

Peel, slice them, and fry them brown in butter or nice dripping. Quarter the cabbage lengthways, and then slice it crossways. Pare the pine-apple, slice it very thin, and mince it small. A slice of light through the chink stood across the passage. Oh, a slice of bread and just what the parents leave for them.