What are 10 physical complications of bulimia?

What are 10 physical complications of bulimia?

The Physical Side Effects of Bulimia

  • Russell’s Sign.
  • Tooth decay.
  • Swollen salivary glands (sialadenosis)
  • Acid reflux.
  • Sore throat and hoarse voice.
  • Dehydration.
  • Electrolyte Abnormalities.
  • Intestinal problems.

How is the body affected by bulimia?

Over time, bulimia can affect your body in the following ways: Stomach damage from overeating. Electrolyte imbalance (having levels of sodium, potassium, or other minerals that are too high or too low, which can lead to heart attack or heart failure) Ulcers and other damage to your throat from vomiting.

Which physical health problems often occur with bulimia?

The binging and purging can severely harm the parts of the body involved in eating and digesting food, teeth are damaged by frequent vomiting, and acid reflux is common. Excessive purging can cause dehydration that effect the body’s electrolytes and leads to cardiac arrhythmias, heart failure and even death.

Can you tell if someone has bulimia?

While someone coping with bulimia may not look like they are starving to death on the outside, the tell-tale signs are discoloration of teeth, red blood-shot eyes, puffy cheeks and neck calluses on knuckles from induced vomiting, and weight fluctuation(3).

What are some symptoms and or dangers of bulimia?

  • Being preoccupied with your body shape and weight
  • Living in fear of gaining weight
  • Repeated episodes of eating abnormally large amounts of food in one sitting
  • Feeling a loss of control during bingeing – like you can’t stop eating or can’t control what you eat
  • Forcing yourself to vomit or exercising too much to keep from gaining weight after bingeing

    What you should know about the long-term effects of bulimia?

    One of the most common long-term side effects of bulimia is tooth damage and decay. Regular vomiting can erode the enamel of your teeth, causing decay, damage, and even tooth loss. Gum disease and long-term damage to the salivary glands in your mouth (the ones that produce saliva) are also potential issues.

    Why does bulimia lead to weight gain?

    Top 4 reasons why bulimia can make you gain weight: The number of calories absorbed from a binge, even after purging is greater than the number that would have been absorbed on a binge-free day. Numerous studies have proven that even when you believe you have purged all of the food you have eaten, many calories still remain in the body.

    Why is bulimia often more difficult to detect than anorexia?

    Bulimia is often harder to detect than anorexia because most bulimics will be very secretive about their purging, and others may not notice a problem until there has been a noticeable amount of weight loss and other physical signs show up, such as tooth discoloration or bad acidic breath.