Is the condition of thinner than average bone density?

Is the condition of thinner than average bone density?

If you have osteopenia, you have lower bone density than normal. Your BMD estimates the chances of breaking a bone from a normal activity. People who have osteopenia have a lower BMD than normal, but it’s not a disease. However, having osteopenia does increase your chances of developing osteoporosis.

Which of the following conditions is characterized by an abnormal increase in the forward curvature of the lumbar spine?

Kyphosis is an abnormal forward rounding (more than 50 degrees of curvature) of the spine.

Which medical term means an abnormal increase in the forward curvature of the lumbar spine also known as swayback?

Lordosis involves an abnormal backward curvature that most commonly affects the lumbar spine and gives the posture a swayback appearance. Kyphosis involves an abnormal forward curvature that most commonly affects the thoracic spine and gives the posture a roundback appearance.

What is the forward curvature of the lumbar spine?

Kyphosis is a forward curvature of the spine that can be seen when looking at the patient from the side (in profile). A certain amount of kyphosis is normal in the thoracic spine. When excessive, kyphosis can cause cosmetic and functional difficulties.

Which is term means forward slipping movement of the lower lumbar vertebrae?

Which term means the forward slipping movement of the body of one of the lower lumbar vertebrae on the vertebra or sacrum below it? Name the type of cancer that occurs in blood-making cells found in the red bone marrow. Which type of fracture usually occurs when a weakened bone break under normal strain?

What does it mean when a vertebrae slips out of place?

Spondylolisthesis is a condition in which one of the vertebrae slips out of place onto the bone below it.

What causes forward displacement of the vertebra over the sacrum?

forward displacement of a vertebra over a lower segment due to a congenital defect or fracture in the pars interarticularis, usually of the fifth lumbar over the sacrum, or of the fourth lumbar over the fifth. adj., adj spondylolisthet´ic.

What does the word spondylolisthesis mean in medical terms?

Spondylolisthesis refers to the condition where one lumbar vertebrae slips over the other. The word ‘spondylo’ means spine and ‘listhesis’ means slippage. Spondylolisthesis involves the forward slip of superior vertebra over the inferior other relatively, that may cause pain.