How many people smoked in the year 2000?

How many people smoked in the year 2000?

In 2000, an estimated 46.5 million adults (23.3%) (95% confidence interval [CI]=+0.5) were current smokers.

What percentage of adults were cigarette smokers in 1999?

In 1999, an estimated 46.5 million adults (23.5% [95% CI=+0.6]) were current smokers.

How many people smoke by year?

In 2019, nearly 14 of every 100 U.S. adults aged 18 years or older (14.0%) currently* smoked cigarettes. This means an estimated 34.1 million adults in the United States currently smoke cigarettes.2 More than 16 million Americans live with a smoking-related disease.

What percentage of high schoolers smoke cigarettes in 2009?

The percentage of students who reported current cigarette use increased from 27.5% in 1991 to 36.4% in 1997, declined to 21.9% in 2003, and declined more gradually to 19.5% in 2009.

What was the percentage of smokers in England in 2008?

The report also includes new analyses carried out by the NHS Information Centre. In England in 2008 21 per cent of adults reported cigarette smoking, the same as in 2007 and lower than 39 per cent in 1980.

How many people in the UK smoke cigarettes a week?

Almost a third of pupils (32 per cent) aged 11 to 15 in England in 2008 reported having tried smoking at least once and 6 per cent were regular smokers (smoking at least one cigarette a week). Girls were more likely to smoke than boys; 11 per cent of girls have smoked in the last week compared with 8 per cent of boys.

Are there any errors in statistics on smoking?

A number of errors have been identified in Tables 4.4 and 4.5 (Pages 87 and 88) of Statistics on Smoking: England, 2010. These errors also affect the corresponding tables in the accompanying Excel workbook as well as the commentary in a number of sections of the pdf report. Please see the errata note for further information and corrected figures.

What are the statistics on smoking in public places?

Four in five people (81 per cent) agree with the smoking ban in public places. In England in 2008/09 an estimated 462,900 hospital admissions of adults aged 35 and over were attributable to smoking.