How is temporal lobe epilepsy diagnosed?

How is temporal lobe epilepsy diagnosed?

The standard radiological procedure used to diagnose temporal lobe epilepsy is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which is performed on the brain. Doctors look for characteristic brain abnormalities associated with temporal lobe epilepsy.

Can temporal lobe epilepsy be misdiagnosed?

Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), a subset of the seizure disorder family, represents a complex neuropsychiatric illness, where the neurological presentation may be complemented by varying severity of affective, behavioral, psychotic, or personality abnormalities, which, in turn, may not only lead to misdiagnosis, but also …

What medication is used for temporal lobe epilepsy?

Oxcarbazepine is approved by the FDA as a monotherapy and as an adjunctive therapy for partial epilepsy in adults and children aged 2-16 years. It blocks sodium-activated channels during sustained, rapid, repetitive firing.

What age does temporal lobe epilepsy start?

Medial temporal lobe epilepsy usually begins around age 10 or 20, but it can start at any age. Usually a person has had a seizure with fever or an injury to the brain in their early years.

Do you smell things before a seizure?

Seizures beginning in the temporal lobes may remain there, or they may spread to other areas of the brain. Depending on if and where the seizure spreads, the patient may experience the sensation of: A peculiar smell (such as burning rubber)

What to do if you have temporal lobe epilepsy?

An MRI of the brain should be done to look for changes in the temporal lobe. An EEG (electroencephalogram) should be done and often shows spike or sharp waves in the tip or front of the temporal lobe. These can be seen when a person is awake or asleep.

When do seizures start in the temporal lobe?

Seizures often begin in a structure of the brain called the hippocampus or surrounding area. MTLE accounts for almost 80% of all temporal lobe seizures. Neocortical or lateral temporal lobe epilepsy involves the outer part of the temporal lobe. Medial temporal lobe epilepsy usually begins around age 10 or 20, but it can start at any age.

What kind of scans are used for temporal lobe seizures?

Positron emission tomography (PET). PET scans use a small amount of low-dose radioactive material that’s injected into a vein to help visualize active areas of the brain and detect abnormalities. Single-photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT).

What causes impaired awareness in the temporal lobe?

The person cannot interact with the surrounding environment as they normally could. The site of this seizure is a localized area but then spreads to other areas of the temporal lobe, causing the impaired awareness. These seizures tend to have an aura before they occur. An aura is a “warning sign” that happens before this type of seizure occurs.

An MRI of the brain should be done to look for changes in the temporal lobe. An EEG (electroencephalogram) should be done and often shows spike or sharp waves in the tip or front of the temporal lobe. These can be seen when a person is awake or asleep.

What does mesial temporal lobe epilepsy look like?

Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy is often associated with changes or abnormal findings on MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). One of the most common findings is scarring in the temporal lobe. This is called hippocampal sclerosis (sclerosis means hardening or scarring). It may look like the hippocampus on one side, or both, has shrunk or is smaller.

How does temporal lobe seizure affect your life?

Even after they’re under control, seizures can affect your life. Temporal lobe seizures may present even more of a coping challenge because people may not recognize the unusual behavior as a seizure.

Positron emission tomography (PET). PET scans use a small amount of low-dose radioactive material that’s injected into a vein to help visualize active areas of the brain and detect abnormalities. Single-photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT).