How does a psychodynamic approach to therapy work?

How does a psychodynamic approach to therapy work?

A psychodynamic approach to therapy can work with individuals, couples, families, and in group therapy situations. Because its focus tends to be on relationships and understanding thoughts and feelings, which people may have avoided confronting, psychodynamic therapy can be time consuming.

How long does a session of psychodynamic therapy last?

Short-term psychodynamic therapy generally lasts for 25–30 sessions over a period of 6–8 months, while long-term psychodynamic therapy — according to one study — may last for longer than a year or span more than 50 sessions. Psychodynamic therapy grew out of the theories of Sigmund Freud.

How many studies are there on psychodynamic therapy?

To reach these conclusions, Shedler reviewed eight meta-analyses comprising 160 studies of psychodynamic therapy, plus nine meta-analyses of other psychological treatments and antidepressant medications. Shedler focused on effect size, which measures the amount of change produced by each treatment.

Is it possible to use psychodynamic therapy for PTSD?

Although psychodynamic therapy can be an effective form of treatment for many mental health conditions, the researchers behind one report found that it may be less effective for the following conditions: Psychodynamic therapy can still be effective for PTSD in some cases, though there is no strong evidence for this.

What is the psychodynamic approach used to treat?

Psychodynamic therapy involves an exploration of the entire range of a patient’s emotions. With the help of the therapist, the patient finds ways to talk about feelings that include contradictory feelings, feelings that are troubling or threatening, and feelings that the patient may not have recognized or acknowledged in the past.

What are some examples of psychodynamics in therapy?

Some examples of behaviors and their explanations using psychodynamic perspective include: Obsessive hand washing could be linked to a trauma in childhood that now causes this behavior Nail-biting may be caused by an anxiety inducing childhood event A childhood event that caused fear in an open space may trigger agoraphobia in an adult Hoarding behaviors could be a result of childhood trauma

What does the Psychodynamic Approach focus on?

A psychodynamic approach to therapy can work with individuals, couples, families, and in group therapy situations. Because its focus tends to be on relationships and understanding thoughts and feelings, which people may have avoided confronting, psychodynamic therapy can be time consuming.

What is good psychodynamic therapy all about?

Psychodynamic therapy aims to address the foundation and formation of psychological processes. In this way, it seeks to reduce symptoms and improve people’s lives. In psychodynamic therapy, therapists help people gain insight into their lives and present-day problems. They also evaluate patterns people develop over time.