How does a midwife support a patient?

How does a midwife support a patient?

provide full antenatal care, including parenting classes, clinical examinations and screening. identify high-risk pregnancies. monitor women and support them during labour and the birthing process. teach new and expectant mothers how to feed, care for and bathe their babies.

Why is caring important in midwifery?

Because not only is it vital for all women and newborns to access care – it is critical that this care is of a sufficient quality to provide a safe and positive childbirth experience, and that it is provided with respect and dignity.

How is a midwife compassionate?

Compassionate midwifery is defined as the interrelations of authentic presence, noticing suffering, empathy, connectedness/relationship, emotion work, motivation to help/support, empowering women and alleviating suffering through negotiation, knowledge and skills.

How do midwives empower individuals?

Midwives are tasked with disseminating a large array of knowledge to the women they care for, this aids women’s decision making, increases their confidence and ultimately enables them to feel empowered throughout and beyond their pregnancy and birth.

What can a midwife not do?

No, a midwife is not a doctor. While licensed and certified midwives are highly trained, they cannot perform cesarean sections on their own. They can prescribe epidurals and labor-inducing drugs, but they are less likely to do so compared to doctors.

Why is it important that a midwife provides safe effective and kind midwifery care?

High quality care should be safe, effective, woman-centred, timely and equitable. All women need midwifery care at every stage. The midwife helps women make decisions based on their clinical need, values and preferences, on the research evidence and on the context of care.

What is continuity of care midwifery?

The philosophy behind continuity of midwifery care includes: an emphasis on the natural ability of women to experience birth with minimum intervention; monitoring needed to ensure a safe pregnancy and birth, and the physical, psychological, spiritual and social wellbeing of the woman and family throughout the …

What do you need to know about midwifery?

The case for midwifery. Midwifery is defined as “skilled, knowledgeable and compassionate care for childbearing women, newborn infants and families across the continuum from prepregnancy, pregnancy, birth, postpartum and the early weeks of life”. The evidence shows us that midwifery plays a “vital” role, and when provided by educated, trained,…

Is the midwife model of care beneficial to women?

Overall the midwives in both models of care felt the service was beneficial to women and had a positive impact on their outcomes.

What is the case for being a midwife?

The case for midwifery: the potential of midwives for improving quality of care. 83% of all maternal deaths, stillbirths and newborn deaths could be averted with the full package of midwifery care (including family planning); 1

How does midwifery lead to continuity of care?

The recently updated Cochrane review of models of midwifery care ( Sandall et al., 2016) found that women who received midwifery led continuity of care had reduced intervention, improved birth and neonatal outcomes, and increased satisfaction compared to those accessing standard maternity care.