How do you treat a herniated disc in your neck without surgery?

How do you treat a herniated disc in your neck without surgery?

Treatments listed are in order from Most Traditional to Least Traditional

  1. Physical Therapy Introduction. Physical Therapy is considered one of the most traditional treatments for the cervical herniated disc.
  2. Oral Medications. Dr.
  3. Bedrest.
  4. Cervical Pillows.
  5. Ice and Heat.
  6. Chiropractic Care.
  7. Acupuncture.
  8. Medical Massage.

When does a herniated disc in the neck require surgery?

If you or a loved one is experiencing neck pain and/or arm pain, numbness, or weakness, surgical treatment such as cervical herniated disc surgery may be appropriate for your condition.

Can a herniated disk in the neck be repaired?

A herniation in a disc occurs when the gel-like material in the disc (nucleus pulposus) causes a bulge in the disc’s outer covering (annulus fibrosis.) You can usually fix a herniated cervical disc with supportive treatment, although severe cases may require surgery.

What to do if you have a herniated cervical disc?

A herniation in a disc occurs when the gel-like material in the disc (nucleus pulposus) causes a bulge in the disc’s outer covering (annulus fibrosis.) You can usually fix a herniated cervical disc with supportive treatment, although severe cases may require surgery. Perform physical therapy.

How does muscle spasm help a neck herniated disc?

Muscle spasm may occur to help provide protection for the nerves irritated by a neck herniated disc by preventing excessive motion, called guarding. In this picture, the view is looking down at the disc and we can see that the neck herniated disc is pushing out and contacting the sensitive nerves.

How is anterior surgery done for cervical herniated disc?

An anterior surgery is done through a small incision in the front of the neck rather than cutting through thicker muscles in the back of the neck. As such, the patient can usually go home the same day or after a one-night stay in the hospital after an anterior surgery.

What is treatment for ruptured disc in neck?

When you suffer from ruptured or herniated disc in the neck, the most common symptom is neck pain, which radiates to the arm and shoulders. A short period of rest with pain and anti-inflammatory medications followed by physical therapy are the common treatments for ruptured disc in the neck.

How long does a bulging disc take to heal?

The primary question that comes to mind of an individual with a bulging disc mind is that how long will it take for the bulging disc to heal. For some individuals it may take up to a year or two to completely recover from disc bulge while it may take far less time for another individual to recover from the same injury.

Is your herniated disc causing Your Migraines?

A herniated disc headache is one of the many symptoms often blamed on disc herniations in the cervical spine. While it is possible to experience headaches in conjunction with a cervical bulging disc, it is unlikely . Headaches are the most well known mindbody pain condition and the most prevalent types, tension and migraine headaches, seem to be virtually universally sourced by regional ischemia.