Does stomach hurt to touch when bloated?

Does stomach hurt to touch when bloated?

Abdominal bloating occurs when the abdomen fills with air or gas. This may cause the area to appear larger or swollen. The abdomen may also feel hard or tight to the touch. It can cause discomfort and abdominal pain.

Is a bloated stomach soft or hard?

If your abdomen feels hard and tight, it means you are bloated. Generally, our stomach is soft and spongy and it remains the same even after gaining weight. If you can easily gasp an inch of your stomach, it can be due to excess of fat.

What does bloating feel like in the abdomen?

Abdominal bloating occurs when the abdomen feels tight or full. This may cause the area to appear visually larger. The abdomen may feel hard or tight to the touch, and can cause discomfort and pain.

What causes bloating, distended stomach and tenderness to touch?

WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms bloating or fullness, distended stomach and tenderness to touch including Gas pains, Gastritis, and Constipation (child). There are 25 conditions associated with bloating or fullness, distended stomach and tenderness to touch.

How to tell if you have a hard stomach from IBS?

IBS can cause several symptoms that may result in a hard stomach: 1 bloating 2 cramping 3 gas 4 abdominal pain

Why does my stomach feel hard all the time?

IBS can cause several symptoms that may result in a hard stomach: IBD includes conditions like ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease which can cause abdominal bloating and cramping that can make your stomach feel hard.

What are the symptoms of a bloated stomach?

Other symptoms accompanying your bloating stomach could be: 1 Severe abdominal pain 2 Stomach tenderness 3 Fever from infection

IBS can cause several symptoms that may result in a hard stomach: 1 bloating 2 cramping 3 gas 4 abdominal pain

IBS can cause several symptoms that may result in a hard stomach: IBD includes conditions like ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease which can cause abdominal bloating and cramping that can make your stomach feel hard.

What can a doctor do for bloating and pain in the abdomen?

Treatments for abdominal bloating and pain will address the underlying condition. Examples may include antibiotics for infections. If an intestinal obstruction is the cause, your doctor may encourage bowel rest by decreasing oral intake.